Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk www.heather-kirk.artistwebsites.com
Literature by Heather J. Kirk http://www.photographicartistry.citymax.com/Books.html
We all want to know our lives have purpose, as well as to understand why certain things happen in the world, in our lives. I may have a few answers, but mostly I explore with you, finding insights based on day to day adventures, music, writings, art, health, God - anything that might help us to see our lives in new, amazing ways.
Next in a series called "God's Little Blessings - because they all add up and they all matter...":
There are some really basic things that any girl, all right let's not be sexist, that any person should know how to do without looking it up. In this case, how to bake a potato. I mean I know - piece it a few time, bake it, right! But at what temperature, for how long? These things are important enough for me to want to know...but not important enough for me to remember, lol!
But if I called or texted to ask you, "How do you bake a potato?" wouldn't you be irritated? "JUST bake it!"
or "JUST it!" (That's what happens when you try to copy and paste Google's logo by the search bar.)
So that I did, and I am grateful that people are able to make a whole blog post out of baking a potato.
(Their picture, not mine)
And then I can double check on another search to make sure the directions are pretty much the same for using a toaster oven...which is my definition of baking ... which is why I need help. :)
Here is my lovely picture.
Today I saw a tumble weed roll across fields...funny I think this iconic image has mostly been in my imagination or on TV in the past, in spite of living in the desert.
Tumultuous Hillside #1 (Horizontal) - Copyright by Heather J. Kirk |
Barbed #1 - Copyright by Heather J. Kirk |
“The short cut is always the longest path…The bad news is that in the effort to skip the time involved {in creating real change in your life}they’ve cost themselves more time... Wanting it NOW keeps you from having it. ... People who want it now face many discouragements because of their many false starts…In the end, the ‘want it now’ people end up back where they started over and over again.”
"Beachside Warning Horizontal Black and White with
"Lifeguard Call Box Boomer's Beach La Jolla Cove California,"copyright Heather J. Kirk, Overlooking Boomer's Beach at Point La Jolla, San Diego, CA |
Flying Feathers copyright Heather J. Kirk |
Red Thunder in Motion copyright Heather J. Kirk |
Guzal, owner of Gravity Elements Frame and Art Gallery with artist Heather J. Kirk |
White Mare Approaches Number One
Crop Top Palm copyright Heather J. Kirk |
Missing Middle Bar Left Flipped Horizontal
Black Eyed Susan Series copyright Heather J Kirk available through October 30, 2015 at Gravity Elements in Scottsdale, AZ |
Nestled copyright by Heather J. Kirk |
Perhaps the "go to girl" fixing things. I've been the professional art installer at #HerbergerTheater for perhaps 8 years! |
Heather installing art at Herberger Theater Gallery |
Some SERIOUS #spokenword about #beingaman, about being PRESENT! I know women will "Like" this post - but the message is really for MEN! Are you out there? Are you willing to LISTEN and SHOW UP. "WE HAVE A GENERATION OF BOYS...THAT ARE BEING RAISED TO BE MEN...JUST LIKE THEIR MOTHERS." ouucch Jonathan Evans !
I don't want to stereotype - there are a lot of men who are right there raising their kids and living Godly examples...I am blessed to have many in my own family. But that does not negate that too many are not present or are setting negative, or hurtful, examples. The video is by Jonathan Evans, son of Tony Evans and chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys.
Then go see the #Woodlawn (a #football #movie for everyone), providing examples of a few more #amazingmen who lead by example - some confident throughout, a reluctant hero and strong conversions - yet the underlying personalities stay the same. I love that part...how God uses us the way he made us! (Release date October 16, 2015. Make it a great opening weekend!)
Heather J. Kirk
Art by Heather J. Kirk www.heather-kirk.artistwebsites.com
Literature by Heather J. Kirk http://www.photographicartistry.citymax.com/Books.html
While one of the issues that I am passionate about ending is child and adult #sexualexploitation, #childlabor is so closely related it's hard to argue that one does not feed or even cause the other. Impoverished families, particularly in other parts of the world, tend to want children to contribute to #familyincome. Working children are placed in dangerous situations with adults who can easily exploit them away from a parent's watchful eye...or even (though we don't like to admit it) with a parent's explicit or implicit approval. A working child does not get an education, which perpetuates the likelihood of #poverty cycles continuing.
"The #InternationalLaborAffairsBureau - #ILAB - at the #DepartmentofLabor has worked for 20 years to reduce exploitative child labor through education. Last year the office received about $59 million, but now the entire funding for these programs is in serious jeopardy. The lack of funding for ILAB will leave #children, who would have been helped through these programs, at risk for exploitation. Fill out our* easy form to ask your members of #Congress to restore this critical #funding." (*World Vision)
Deadline to sign: October 11, 2015
Image provided by World Vision - Acton Alert |
"A Wing and a Prayer" copyright Heather J. Kirk |
Detail of shadowbox of "A Wing and a Prayer" copyright Heather J. Kirk |
Beyond My Reach Copyright Heather J Kirk |
Image: "RISE Festival Lanterns 2014 horizontal Sky Only", copyright Heather J. Kirk |
While a young man full of hate beyond measure hoped to incite civil war by killing those in a Bible Study who accepted him without question, forgiveness offered during his bond hearing expressed by family members of those killed demonstrated hearts full of a love beyond measure. Most human beings cannot fathom the existence of either of these extremes – but we all carry both inside of us…the ability to both hate and love…
I knew the chorus to "All of Me" by John legend (You Tube link with lyrics below), and found it truly poetic and beautiful, but didn't really appreciate hearing it in my church. I'm a bit off put by using secular songs, especially secular love songs being used to illustrate God's love. If you try to make the straight comparison throughout an entire songs lyrics of human love, something always falls horribly apart - cheating, lust, possessiveness, hurt, anger, fantasy, loss, unrequited love, once had now gone...something decidedly human I don't want in a God's love for me.
And yet, "love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections," while starting with a sensual image quickly moves to the psyche and the whole person. It sounds just like unconditional love! "You're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning."
Pondering the Arizona skies (getting gas, otherwise I wouldn't be hanging around in this windblown drizzle), wondering if we will have a sunny Saturday or Sunday!
"Squarely Purple Succulent Crassula Baby Necklace" is perpetually on the list of my most popular images. It is a favorite of mine too, with the many shades of green and the oddly shaped leaves tinged with purple.(Copyright Heather J. Kirk and PhotoGraphic Artistry and Publishing)