Today I saw a tumble weed roll across fields...funny I think this iconic image has mostly been in my imagination or on TV in the past, in spite of living in the desert.
Then it crossed four lanes of traffic. I was sure it would cause problems, but perhaps it is engineered (by the Creator) to follow paths of the open wind. It dodged all cars!
A few years ago I saw these amazing sites above and photographed them. They can now be found on my
Photographic Artistry website on the "
Tumbling In" gallery page.
Heather J. Kirk
Art by Heather J. Kirk -
Literature by Heather J. Kirk
#tumble, #tumbleweed, #desert, #weed, #barbed wire, #Arizona, #landscape, #photo, #photography, #colorphotography, #heatherkirk, #heatherjkirk