An interesting new Anthology
has been released, "Poetry and Business" edited by Jonathan Cook. The
exciting news is that they have included one of my poems, titled
"Smoking Cigars". The original idea for the poem was based on a Mandeville flower bud, with its petals wrapped around each other like tobacco leaves. Its center must be awfully sweet because ants made a line up the wall to get to the sugary nectar of the bud.
The picture I took must not have been very good, because it has disappeared off of my hard drive (deleted as I tried to make more space). The best I can do is a partial opening you can get a partial idea. Plus the pretty open bud of the mandeville it self.
But back to the book 'Poetry and Business - Volume 1 (2016)," edited by Jonathan Cook. It is very cool that out of all the poems included they chose to quote from mine on their website."...filled with the verse of commerce from poets around the world. David Olsen explores the 'stagnant air of exhale secrets'. Heather J. Kirk tells of 'life in pennies by the hour'."
You can purchase the book on
Amazon here
and Business: 2016 (Volume 1) . Click on the book to find a long explanation of the book concept there, but here is my favorite part, because otherwise you may miss it!

"Poetry and business
are often seen as natural enemies, battling over the direction of of human
life. In this battle, we are called upon to choose sides.
Will we be efficient, or will we be creative?
The truth is, we don't have to accept the idea that poetry and business will
always be at war. We don't need to choose sides.
The choice between authenticity and productivity is a false choice. If we are
not creative, we cannot be efficient. If our visionary fire sits outside a
productive engine, it will simply burn itself out.
Inartful poetry and inartful business arise out of the same impatience: Their
approach is too direct. Artful poetry and deft business both rely upon
metaphor, the discovery of sacred value within mundane objects.
Poetry and business are well suited to one another because they turn each other
aside from straight and easy paths. They corrupt each other’s purpose, but in
doing so, they lead to a higher purpose. They seduce each other onto strange
paths that curve in unpredictable arcs that, wandering through the landscape,
lead to enlightening experiences before they arrive at their destination.
The time has come for poets and marketers to take a turn at the plow together."
Heather J. Kirk
Art by Heather J. Kirk
Literature by Heather J. Kirk