Showing posts with label Arizona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arizona. Show all posts

Friday, June 18, 2021

Leanin' (Psalm 86) - Michael Land - Official Music Video

Soulful, funky, true!
Subscribe to Michael Land's music on youtube.

Check out Michael Land's official website.


Love the Arizona landscape?
Check out a Get Your Guide* tour such as:


Get your passion for prayer back. "Fervent"* is based on the movie "War Room."

*affiliate link (but personally enjoyed).

Friday, April 14, 2017

 If you plan on filing a tax extension (yes, me too), but haven't done your Arizona tax Credit contribution yet, you have until April 18 for that also! Not sure how much to give? It's dollar for dollar...give to the State or give to a qualifying organization, so use last year AZ Amount Due to estimate how much to give. Don't worry about giving too much - it will carry over to next year if you are "too generous"! Though understand each has it's own MAX donation...and of course in each year you can't TAKE (give :) ) more credits than you OWE.

There are several kinds of Credits you can take, according to where your heart and passion lies. Then within each category there are LOTS of qualifying options. Each one has a page to use to donate for the credit. 

Not sure who to give to? The Arizona Department of Revenue provides an updated list of qualifying foster care organizations that are eligible for each type of credit.  
 About Christian Family Care
4) Additional “PLUS” Private School Credit (allowing donors to receive credit for contributions over and above the original private school tax credit),
5) Arizona Charitable (Working Poor Tax Credit) (,
6) The Arizona Military Family Relief Fund Credit (
The list too big and want a suggestion? 
Submission page for Christian Family Care:  
The maximums for the Foster Care Charitable Organization, Contribution amounts eligible for credit: $500 for single filers/ $1,000 for joint filers.

Be blessed My Purposeful People! Heather
Wearable Art - Heather J Kirk's VIDA Collection: and
Art by Heather J. Kirk and
Literature by Heather J. Kirk

#arizona, #az, #taxcredit, #statetaxes, #charity, #charitablegiving, #nonprofit, #publicschoolcredit, #fostercareagency, #fostercare, #FCCO, #taxextension, #donation, #dollarfordollar

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Today I saw a tumble weed roll across fields...funny I think this iconic image has mostly been in my imagination or on TV in the past, in spite of living in the desert.

Tumultuous Hillside #1 (Horizontal) - Copyright by Heather J. Kirk
Then it crossed four lanes of traffic. I was sure it would cause problems, but perhaps it is engineered (by the Creator) to follow paths of the open wind. It dodged all cars!
Barbed #1 - Copyright by Heather J. Kirk

 A few years ago I saw these amazing sites above and photographed them. They can now be found on my Photographic Artistry website on the "Tumbling In" gallery page.

Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk -
Literature by Heather J. Kirk

#tumble, #tumbleweed, #desert, #weed, #barbed wire, #Arizona, #landscape, #photo, #photography, #colorphotography, #heatherkirk, #heatherjkirk

Friday, January 30, 2015

Pondering Arizona Skies...

Pondering the Arizona skies (getting gas, otherwise I wouldn't be hanging around in this windblown drizzle), wondering if we will have a sunny Saturday or Sunday!

For those of you who came to the Valley of the Sun to not only see a football game or golf game or classic car show or visit an Arabian horse farm or take an art walk or listen to an incredible array of amazing music or eat to your heart's content or or or - wow! This is a happenin' place! Who needs the sun?

Oh, got distracted there...for those of you who came for the sun, periodically check the news or weather channel and it will keep you quite happy about a few raindrops here compared to what's happening back home!

As for me, I'm still thinking back on sunnier days, and certain they aren't too far around the corner.

Heather J. Kirk is a fine art photographer and graphic designer

Art by Heather J. Kirk
Literature by Heather J. Kirk

Friday, January 2, 2015

Squarely Purple Succulent Crassula Baby Necklace: One of this Weak's Most Popular Images

"Squarely Purple Succulent Crassula Baby Necklace" is perpetually on the list of my most popular images. It is a favorite of mine too, with the many shades of green and the oddly shaped leaves tinged with purple.(Copyright Heather J. Kirk and PhotoGraphic Artistry and Publishing)

Find the image at:

Follow Heather on Facebook at:
Follow PhotoGraphic Artistry and Publishing on Facebook at:

Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk
Literature by Heather J. Kirk

Monday, September 22, 2014

Repeated "Floods of a Century" May Bring Up Discussions of Cloud Seeding

I am not huge on Conspiracy Theories...but I do have a few of my own, and my guess is you will start to hear more about one that has been nagging at me since the last few "storms of the century," and now that we can expect another to follow the hurricane in Los Cabos, Mexico. 


An article written in March of this year (2014) (linked below) claims it is only actively used by Central Arizona Project for snow, but if they are admitting it about snow after YEARS of experimenting, you can bet it is actively being tested to create rain. 

A quote from the article goes back to when it was proposed in 1987 and speaks of another mantra of mine: UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES - in this case outrageous flooding, which is unhelpful in terms of addressing drought as most of the water is not recaptured. 

              "In 1987, the federal Bureau of Reclamation proposed seeding clouds along the Mogollon Rim during the winter to see if they would produce increased precipitation. But the program died when cities and the state balked at paying their share of the $1.8 million cost.

               Goddard, who was mayor of Phoenix at the time, said there was "great concern about (cloud seeding's) effectiveness and about its unintended consequences" and cited possible flooding or decreased future rainfall. "I'm still concerned about those same things," he said."

Heather J. Kirk
Art by Heather J. Kirk
Literature by Heather J. Kirk

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My thoughts on #Arizona 's #Propositions. Remember #Constitutional #Amendments make it really hard to get rid of bad ideas!

Some people have asked for my input on Arizona's Propositions, so I thought I'd write it up here. I can't imagine how people with full time jobs and families have time to read everything - proposition details, arguments for and arguments against, then do additional research. So if you want some assistance - my choices as well as my reasoning, I'm glad to help.
To give you a bit of my background, I worked in elementary schools as a drug and violence prevention specialist for 12 years. I also am an artist and a graphic designer, with my own (really, really) small business.

Scottsdale Unit No. 48: Yes. I trust Scottsdale School District, but not other "education" money requests that don't actually make it to the schools or students. Scottsdale School District's additional funding is about to run out. They create very specific budgets. I believe in local control that includes true accountability. (See also Prop 118.)
Prop 114: No- Not appropriate to remove rights completely (in any situation and therefore not let courts and a jury decide) based on one stupid court decision that would not even fit under this Constitutional change. What about a feud between two people and one takes advantage to harm a thief knowing they are protected?

Proposition 115: No - Too many completely different issues in one proposition. Even if you like one, you have to vote for others. Also, if people vote based on judges decisions, then judges could start making decisions to please the populace and get votes to keep their jobs, being instead of based on laws and constitutionality.

Proposition 116: To help small businesses to invest and update their businesses. Machinery purchases increase economy through purchases and job creation for machinery. Spreading high costs out over several years helps keep them afloat, so they do not go out of business due to high costs of regulations and environmental restrictions. They can potentially comply and stay in business.

Proposition 117: No - Looks like this may not only affect taxes but also actual assessment or valuation of the home itself. I think current complex formula is an attempt to balance out both situations - when home prices are too depressed AND when home prices are overinflated. It also would keep income to state depressed for indeterminate amount of time in the future, based on current very low home valuations. This is an attempt at price controls, to keep the valuation of homes down, while pretending to be about keeping taxes low.

Proposition 118: Yes - Previous formula based on returns and not on endowment made funding for education drop unrealistically low and to be very unpredictable -unable to plan appropriately for education budget. This will stabilize funding, while not adversely affecting a very large endowment that cannot otherwise be used for education. Arizona funding was already very low per student. This hopes to keep it at approximately pre-recession levels, not huge, but not outrageously low as is the case now. While nationwide dollar amount does not automatically mean better schools or test scores, in Arizona, it really does correlate in public schools. Scottsdale is a better school district for many reasons, but one reason being they get bond issues approved from voters (homeowners) in the city to get more school funding. (This is also a justification for yes on Scottsdale School District question.) While other districts may try, homeowners do not appear to approve increased taxes for education - either because they don't want to pay more or they are not capable of paying more. Other proposition preys on the desire for increased education funding without actually guaranteeing it - as well as being harder on the poor because it is a sales tax. The endowment in this proposition makes use of already available funds and does not increase taxes at all!

Prop 119: Yes - Necessary to protect military bases and national security.

Prop 120: Yes - booklet seems to make it all look like environmental issues, on both sides. Yes vote arguments – ability to properly thin forests to prevent forest fires that are at great cost to state. No vote arguments – State wants to avoid any EPA Regulations. Really, sovereignty says states chooses which things under 10th Amendment it wants to take over sovereignty for and what it agrees to Federal laws for. But this is a state's rights issue in general as well as states currently being forced to enforce or implement federal mandates without federal funding. Sounds a lot like taxation without representation. 10th amendment rights issues. i.e.) healthcare, gun laws, education, federal parks, EPA and to some a negative (me, and therefore the only risky part of this proposition) –medical marijuana.

10thAmendment Rights: ''The Tenth Amendment was intended to confirm the understanding of the people at the time the Constitution was adopted, that powers not granted to the United States were reserved to the States or to the people.”

Prop 121: No – While two party system may not be perfect, it at least provides people of both parties a chance in unbalanced districts for both parties to be represented. This proposition pretty much eliminates this possibility. It seems to actually reduce, instead of improve, the democratic process and opportunity for a minority group (of any kind) to make it onto the final ballot. It is actually happening right now in California and people are not very happy about it.

Prop 204: No – Makes a promised temporary increased sales tax increase long term. Takes away the ability for the legislature to adjust the budget based on actual needs. Takes away the power of the elected legislature – and puts budget decisions into a special interest group. It also places the budget formula into the Arizona Constitution and therefore makes it very hard to change if (when) we later find out it’s a bad idea. The money appears to go to administration and not outcomes, though it is written to appear it is based on educational outcomes. They are counting on you not reading or understanding the whole thing. they make it sound like this is the best way to fund education, but you have another option through Proposition 118. And each district's individual Bond issues.
Heather J. Kirk

Friday, September 28, 2012

We know your vote counts - make sure it's logical too!

We know your vote counts - make sure it's logical too!

Political ad writers COUNT ON YOU TO NOT THINK FOR YOURSELF and to not know how your own government works. Here is my rant of the week - not against, or for, any candidate, but about putting on our thinking caps - and knowing what we are talking about before we speak!
An ad against Vernon Parker says he told Tea Partiers he wants to get rid of the Department of Education (yes, he did say this), and therefore Arizona will lose $800 million dollars in educational funding. This is NOT A LOGICAL CONLUSION!

The DOE basically says 'teach what we tell you to, or we won't give you federal money for education. We don't care if you want to teach to the needs of your students and your geographical area. No local control of curriculum allowed." (My own words.)
But if there is no DOE, the DOE can't take away our funding for not doing what the DOE says we have to do. (See how that works...)  So the claim is ILLOGICAL.

Later (not in the ad), it appears that to cover up for this lack of logic, the ad writers say there will be no Pell Grants for college without the DOE. Who says there will be no college grants without a DOE? Not Vernon Parker. In the video quoted, he says that the DOE educational rules have resulted in kids who can't read at a third grade level and don't know history - - responding to charts and a presentation obviously made before he started speaking, about poor test scores, something very few will disagree with.
Clearly the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, creators of the ad, did not learn critical thinking in school either.

Here's a link to a Press Release (not news, but Public Relations), accusations related to the quote, and oddly the entire video of Vernon Parker's speech, which does not support the accusation. I guess they are counting on you to not actually listening.

 Heather J. Kirk

Friday, April 27, 2012

Vote to Help Heather Kirk Win Nationwide Art Advertisement through #FineArtAmerica - such as my photos from #Sedona, #OakCreekCanyon and #Scottsdale #Arizona and #Bermuda

Help Heather J. Kirk get 250 votes per photo!

(You may have to sign up as a collector or artist. Sorry, but it is an easy registration!)
Clink on links to find my photos and Vote. Thanks to All!

Fully Reflected by Heather J. Kirk (Oak Creek Canyon / Sedona, Arizona)

Open Voting - Now through May 31st, 2012
During open voting, visitors to are able to view all of the contest submissions and cast votes for their favorite photos.

Golden Fall Reflection by Heather J. Kirk (Oak Creek Canyon / Sedona, Arizona)

Juried Voting - June 15th, 2012
All photographs that have received at least 250 votes from the general public will become eligible for final selection by a jury of FAA staff members and industry professionals.
Orange Glow by Heather J. Kirk (Scottsdale, Arizona)

The Prize:
Five winners will be chosen to appear in our next TV commercial which is scheduled to begin airing in July 2012. The commercial will air nationwide throughout the United States and is guaranteed to reach a minimum of 10 million viewers during the month of July.

Photos Copyrighted by Heather J. Kirk

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

All of Aventura in Arizona (separately) within a few months

April 19, 2012 (Obviously written before Henry Santos concert O7, Scottsdale, Arizona)

So, on the way home from the Romeo Santos concert I told my mom I wish I could go to one of the small shows in New Jersey or New York where Henry Santos was playing clubs. What an amazing opportunity to see someone of such talent up close. About a week later his concert was announced for Scottsdale. See, once again I am prophetic! And better yet - I don't have to drive all the way across town to Glendale like I did to Arena.

Kind of strange - I had been deprived of live Dominican music since September of 2010 when I left Santo Domingo - and then within a span of a few months, all three spin offs of Aventura will have played Arizona. I guess Arizona is awake after all. Welcome Henry and crew.

P.S. To my readers - I did not invite my mom this time. I plan to dance!

by Heather J. Kirk

Hanging out in Home Depot due to Arizona heat!

Last few days have been so hot in Phoenix/Scottsdale (100 – 105 degrees) that people are hanging out in Home Depot’s floor fan section!

by Heather J. Kirk

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

5000 promises to conserve water and SRP gives a $5000 grant to Homeward Bound!

SRP's Promise (what's yours?):  When you pledge to save water, you're joining other thoughtful Arizona residents who want to make a difference. What's more, your support helps Homeward Bound.

When we reach 5,000 pledges, we'll celebrate by giving Homeward Bound a $5000 water-saving makeover. It'll help them reduce their water costs so they can assist even more Arizona families.

Homeward Bound assists homeless and domestic violence families with children achieve economic independence, and secure long-term, safe housing. They also work to break the cycle of homelessness and domestic violence. Homeward Bound started in 1990 with one family and one house. Today, they manage 155 housing units and help nearly 600 people – 400 of whom are children. Click here to learn more about Homeward Bound.

Discovered by Heather J. Kirk

Friday, March 30, 2012

Desert Botanical Gardens and Scottsdale Artists League "Paint Out"

Desert Botanical Gardens and Scottsdale Artists League "Paint Out"

The Scottsdale Artist League and Desert Botanical Garden 'Paint Out," has been going on all month, and special events are planned for the conclusion, at 1201 N. Galvin Parkway Phoenix, AZ 85008.

I've been at the gardens every Saturday, and as a photographer I've wandered not only to shoot but to preview the art being painted. Lots of beautiful paintings - including small sizes so you can buy several. My photography will also be available (of course). Buy early - three matted prints sold last Saturday!

Show and Sale March 31 and April 1
Location: Stardust Foundation Plaza at the Garden (near the cactus and succulent pavilions)
Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m
Sunday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Artist Meet and Greet
Saturday March 31 4 - 6 p.m. But the open bar begins at 2 pm!

Bounty of Barrels by Heather J. Kirk

Throughout Garden - artists will continue to paint this Saturday and Sunday
The Desert Botanical Garden and Scottsdale Artists League will co-sponsor their 17th annual Spring Paintout. As visitors walk through the trails, they will come across 50 of Scottsdale Artists League's best landscape painters capturing Garden scenes. All the artwork from the Paintout will be on display and for sale for the final weekend. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Desert Botanical Garden and the Scottsdale Artists League's Scholarship Fund. For more information visit

Heather J. Kirk

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hoops and Kravitz and More - To Do (RIGHT NOW) in AZ: Feb 11 - 19

I will always try to provide you with variety! Some will be well known classic events for the Phoenix area, others will be hidden surprises or other Arizona locations.

Suggestions chosen by Heather J. Kirk

Saturday and Sunday, February 11 & 12, 2012


Heather's notes: If you've never attended before, this event is a must - Native American dance like you've never seen before - beautiful and amazing.

Phoenix’s Heard Museum, 2301 N. Central Ave., Phoenix, Arizona

Saturday and Sunday, February 11 - 12, 2012

9:30 a.m. Grand Entry –
Competition will end at approximately 5 p.m. on Saturday.
The Adult Division final round will begin at 2 p.m. on Sunday.

$15 general admission, $13.50 seniors (65+), $10 American Indians and Heard Museum members, $7.50 children 4-12, free for children under 4. Cost is per day and includes the event and museum admission.

It’s easy to get to the Heard Museum via METRO Light Rail! Look for the Heard Museum parking signs along Central Avenue, or take the Light Rail to the Encanto Station and avoid having to locate a parking spot. Or use Park and Ride lots all along the Light Rail route.

Sunday, February 12, 2012 at 7:30 pm

Lenny Kravitz Live at Comerica Theater (formerly Dodge Theater)

Sunday, February 12, 2012 at 7:30 pm
400 West Washington Street in downtown Phoenix, AZ

Heather's Notes: Perhaps I'll write a blog soon on me and Lenny. Ha ha! Okay, how about a blog about me and my thoughts about Lenny.

Music by Lenny Kravitz

Lenny Kravitz with Special guest Raphael Saadiq-presented by Mix 96.9

Lenny Kravitz will also be performing in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand on February 19, 2012

Proceeds from this concert go to support Keep Memory Alive and the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health – for the treatment and prevention of ALS, Alzheimers, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and dementia.

One of the Clinic's projects is to identify predictors of Alzheimer's through blood, spinal fluid, MRIs and PET Scans. They will also evaluate the benefit of antioxidants in treating early Alzheimer’s patients. (Heather likes this as an alternative to or in addition to pharmaceutical drugs!) Find out more here:

Bookmark for future fundraising events: (

Maximum Savings, Low Fares - Find Cheap Air Tickets on This Site & Save Big on Travel.

Through February 19, 2012

My Mother's Italian, My Father's Jewish & I'm in Therapy

Herberger Theater, Stage West

The hit New York comedy was inspired by the author's hilariously dysfunctional family, and all the people in his life whose sole purpose was to drive him into therapy... and they succeeded!

One part lasagna, one part kreplach, and two parts prozac, you don't have to be Jewish or Italian to love this show. All you need is to know what it feels like to leave a family dinner with heartburn and a headache! The critics rave: "Hysterically Funny! Non-Stop Laughs All The Way! I Can't Recommend This Show Enough, It's Just Great!" - Regis Philbin, Live With Regis & Kelly.

For dates, times and ticket info:

Heather's Notes: I sat through the first half hour of this performance thinking, "This is just a stand up routine with a fancy backdrop." I kept waiting for plot. WAiting kept me from being able to enjoy this hilarious, very long stand up routine - which is exactly what it is. A very good one, that gets funnier as it goes. I tried to remember some of the jokes, so here are two - the extent of my memory!

1) "A summary of every Jewish religious celebration: they tried to kill us, God did a miracle, let's eat!"

2) "Why does it take 400 million sperm to fertilize one egg? They refuse to stop and ask for directions."

As many of you know I am a huge fan of Herberger Theater.

Doozy of a Deal is helping the Herberger Theater Center raise money and helping you save big at local businesses! Every time you buy a Doozy of a Deal, the Herberger Theater will receive 7.5% of the purchase! It’s a win – win!

Simply go to to sign up for the free daily deal email and don’t forget to select the Herberger Theater Center to benefit from your purchase. It’s an easy way to feel good and help the Herberger Theater Center’s Arts Education and Outreach Programs for youth!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Toni Braxton in Concert at 8:00 pm

Salt River Grand Ballroom at Talking Stick Resort
9800 E. Indian Bend Road in Scottsdale (East of the 101 freeway)

Music by Toni Braxton

Join Six-time Grammy winner Toni Braxton when she brings her smooth R&B vocal stylings to Talking Stick Resort on Friday, February 17th. Having built an impeccable catalog of hits since bursting onto the contemporary music scene in 1991 with “Love Shoulda Brought You Home,” Toni Braxton has compiled an impressive array of hits, including “Another Sad Love Song,” “Breathe Again” and “Un-break My Heart.”

For tickets, call 480-850-7734 or click on the link below.

And the final event for this blog entry.... Sunday, February 19th, 2012


Three Speakers, Authors, Books, Refreshments: Betty Webb, Susan Pohlman, Patricia Brooks

Memoir Writing (non-fiction), Mystery Writing (fiction), Marketing for Publishing

WHAT: Writers Faire – a Sunday afternoon with award winning authors, plus a dozen additional authors of SSWW showing off their books and answering questions!

WHERE: Mustang Library, 90th St., and Shea Blvd., Scottsdale (behind the hospital)

WHEN: Sunday, February 19th, Sunday 1:00-5:00 p.m.

HOW: PLEASE - RSVP now to Patricia L. Brooks, president/founder of Scottsdale Society of Women Writers at or Dana Braccia at the Scottsdale Library


Susan Pohlman, author, Memoir Writing (1:30 – 2:15): Her memoir, Halfway to Each Other, is her first book and winner of the Relationships category and runner-up in the Memoir category in the 2010 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

Betty Webb, author, Fiction/Mystery Writing (2:30 – 3:15): Betty Webb is the author of two prize-winning mystery series -- the Lena Jones books and the Gunn Zoo series. Before beginning to write mysteries full time, Betty Webb worked as a journalist and interviewed everyone from U.S. presidents, astronauts who walked on the moon, and Nobel Prize-winners, as well as the homeless, the dying, and polygamy runaways*. Her mysteries are based on stories she covered as a reporter. Currently a creative writing teacher at Phoenix College, she is a member of National Federation of Press Women, Mystery Writers of America, and the Society of Southwest Authors.

*Just an aside from your blogger Heather Kirk – Betty also interviewed me about the inclusion of my Story titled Alma in Chicken Soup for the Latino Soul.

Workshop: Writing a marketable mystery is harder than it looks. I explain why, describe the mysterious "arc of action," and how to come up with believable plots and characters so interesting that they can carry you through an entire series.

Patricia L. Brooks, author, memoir, publishing/marketing consultant (3:30-4:15): Patricia is an inspirational speaker, and published author. With her book (and now eBook) “Gifts of Sisterhood” and its grief workshop “Journey from Grief to Gratitude” she is a favorite for Wellness Programs. Patricia earned a prestigious AZ Authors Association Literary Contest Non-fiction award for this book.

As founder of Brooks Goldmann Publishing Company, LLC she is the author’s partner for publishing consultation and offers workshops on writing memoir, self-help, non-fiction and self-publishing.

Workshop: Publish with Marketing in Mind
Find out how easy, as well as how difficult, it is to transform your work into book form and to bring it to market. Learn about the new trends in marketing as they relate to the publishing basics you should address before launching your book to market.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

To Do in Arizona on February 25th (and feel like you are in the DR at the same time)

On February 25, 2012 – two ways to celebrate Dominican Independence Day (Their 168th!)

Choice #1 - The Seventh Annual Dominican Festival in Scottsdale, Arizona

4 pm – 2 am Ocean 7, 1420 N. Scottsdale Rd. (at McDowell Rd. – Papago Plaza)
$15 in advance!/FestivalDominicanoArizona

Choice #2 - A fundraiser for after school, youth prevention programs - if you know me you know I not only beleive in this kind of thing, but I did it!

This Phoenix event includes a speaker, dinner and dancing, a high end event.


On February 25, 2012 Bella Q Dance Studio will be hosting a Dominican Gala Dinner in celebration of the Dominican Republic Independence Day, which is celebrated on February 27th of each year. The event will include great entertainment, culture, colorful costumes, traditional music and Dominican cuisine. We are extending invitations to many Dominican born baseball players and Alumni from various Mayor League Baseball teams, to honor them as we celebrate their culture.

Among our guests is National Police Sports Director, Colonel Jacobo Mateo Moquete from the Dominican Republic, who is an active member of the Latin American Police Officer’s Association. Additionally, Vice Consul of the Dominican Republic, Ms. Arelis Reynoso, a proponent for encouraging philanthropic endeavors within the community, and proud mother of the Atlanta Hawks NBA star, Al Horford will also be attending. A special invitation has also been sent out to the Consul of Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. We are extending our invitation to all diverse leaders in Arizona to support this event, and together make a difference in our community.

Our guest speaker Roberto Ramirez is a former professional baseball player within various teams such as: the Giants, Seattle, Oakland, Baltimore, and is currently a successful teacher in California. One of our goals during this event is to strengthen the cultural diversity in Arizona by increasing awareness of the success Latinos and all immigrants bring to the United States. Please join as we celebrate culture, ethnicity, and diversity in Arizona.

Date: Saturday February 25, 2012
Location: The Cedars Banquet Hall, 1702 E. Northern Ave. Phoenix, AZ. 85020
Time: 6:00 pm to 12:00 am
Performances: From Puerto Rico, Mexico, Panama, Spain, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Tahiti and Bella Q Kids.

For more information contact:

Denise Ceballos Viner, Bella Q Dance Studio
10171 N. 19th Ave. Suite #7, Phoenix, AZ 85021
(602) 350-0268