Thursday, December 23, 2021

Raining Lights and What Must the People Know by Heather J Kirk in the Ea...

Crazy stuff about this project! (Please Like and Share like Crazy - it is a beautiful message from our Heavenly Father)

1. Nobody gets to see or hear me cry...until now. Well, hear... still not see!
2. My cameras is throwing Magnificent balls of light through the heavens on this one. I can't explain!
3. As an editor, me leaving in a few stutters and grammatical errors is almost as hard as me leaving in the tears of vulnerability. But I can't imagine I could do it any better than this free-form stream-of-consciousness first time. I truly believe I felt God's grief at separation from us, His beloved, as I pondered this question ... and I believe it is meant to be experienced by you as well.
4. The Chosen Christmas Special posed the question, "What must the people know?" I start out a bit logical but partway through the Holy Spirit takes over. I believe this is what God wants all of us to know! How MUCH He loves us and longs to closed the distance or separation.
5. Though I was rushing for a December 25th timeline, it turns out this is not even remotely limited to Christmas, or even Easter, or Pentecost. It's about a God who has been in pursuit of us, in love, our entire lives!
6. And possibly the rarest thing of all, other than the video footage that I did take with a pretty wild dash-cam, I've used other people's art, photography and videos. This is rare as I am a photographer and artist myself, but that's what was meant to happen. The images are beyond what I could have provided in their specificity to the message if I'd searched my own bounteous reserves. Also, these are search word enabled much better than mine!
7. I believe God is fully capable of handling our questions and our doubts, and therefore I asked them straight up, and got some answers!
8. This is my gift and the Spirit's gift to you. There's no commercials, no third party, commercial monetization. But that doesn't mean you aren't welcome to also enjoy my poetry books, fashion, or art; or some of the art of the photographic contributors. Take a minute to Like, Subscribe, Explore, and Support. But most importantly, Pray!

Decisions decisions on how to name this post! Other options were:
"Open your heart to close the distance!"  copyright Heather J Kirk
"Eavesdrop on my ride" copyright Heather J Kirk
"It's Raining Lights, Hallelujah!"
"What must the people know?" as per the question asked by The Chosen​"Every good and perfect gift" (James 1:17)


Contributing Artists - Please visit and support (roughly in order of appearance by description):

The Chosen Christmas 2021 FB Header: ;

Tim Tebow with white sky-DSF0419: ;

The following can be found on:

Image of rain and red and green lights: pexels-zhang-kaiyv-2672808

black and white hands apart pexels-matheus-viana-3354675

hand through water: pexels-ashutosh-sonwani-1669605

Hand with leaf with holes pexels-daria-shevtsova-1029844

Christ on cross and crown pexels-alem-sánchez-977657

Triple hand on glass:

cross in glass in light in hand pexels-italo-melo-2356140

jesus praying pre cross pexels-rodolfo-clix-1615776 /

Sands of time on beach pexels-ivan-khmelyuk-6982055

I love you in sand pexels-alleksana-7248767

baby toes in basket pexels-pixabay-161534

Close up blue water drop (altered colo=RED) pexels-bernyce-hollingworth-2702798

Other images: Wikimedia commons or free clipart. Please let me know if I've missed an attribution.

#merrychristmas #happynewyear #easter #pentacost #allyearlong #thegriefofafather #foruntousachildisborn #givingingrief #thecostofseparation #openyourhearttoclosethedistance #itsraininglights #john316 #eyeblackforjesus (football reference ladies!) #eavesdroponmyride #pondering #itshandsfreeipromise #youtubepremier #abetterkindofviral #writingonpurpose #writingforgod #holyspiritfalldown #marcusrogers #lancewallnau #timtebow #godcanhandleyourquestions #takeyourdoubtstohisthorne #prayingonpurpose #heatherkirk #heatherjkirk #art #photography  #photographicartistry   #Impactwomenaz #impactchurch#thekingshouse #kingdomwarriors