It's been too long since my last post in a series called "God's Little Blessings - because they all add up and they all matter..." I share here a conversation to demonstrate that not only are there blessings, but we can trust that things are happening "behind the scenes". Sometimes we are blessed to know about them, other times we may never know.
I like how this friend describes prayer - "accepted" and "gathering". No, we don't always get the 'vending machine answers' we want or expect, but they are heard:

Me: Thank you so much for sharing with me that the prayer made a difference. I know deep in my heart that it does, but every once in awhile I feel like He doesn't hear, then someone like you reminds me that He does. Praise God! And many blessings to you my friend.
Friend: Oh, God hears all the time and God loves gathering prayers.
Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk
Literature by Heather J. Kirk