Heather J. Kirk
Art by Heather J. Kirk www.heather-kirk.artistwebsites.com
Literature by Heather J. Kirk http://www.photographicartistry.citymax.com/Books.html
We all want to know our lives have purpose, as well as to understand why certain things happen in the world, in our lives. I may have a few answers, but mostly I explore with you, finding insights based on day to day adventures, music, writings, art, health, God - anything that might help us to see our lives in new, amazing ways.
Thanks to the "Food is Art" group for featuring my piece "Watermelon Salad", copyright Heather J. Kirk. This was taken at the Plantation House Restaurant in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii. A refreshing lunch after an amazing snorkel!
I'm excited to share this upcoming exhibition - It's been a long time since I've shown on Grand Avenue in Phoenix! We've been asked not to share our art - so you will have to come out and see!
"Liberty and Justice for Art" at {9} The Gallery in cooperation with the
Arizona Artist Collective.
FIRST FRIDAY: Friday, July 4th, 2014, 6 - 10
pm (Also open 3rd Friday, July 18th, though I can't be there.)
{9} The Gallery has all kinds of exciting things going on...check it out!
Join us for the Artist Reception, then see the fireworks at Steele Indian Park!
Heather J. Kirk
FLOURISH: Artworks Inspired by our Gardens
VISION Gallery, 10 East
Chicago Street, Chandler, AZ
Artists Reception, Saturday, July 26, 2014,
2 - 4 pm.
Exhibition: July 25 - August 29, 2014
Quite a few of
my friends in this show as well! Such as Jill Friedberg, Andrea Merican, Leslie Austin and Helen Norsigian Rowles.
See you there! Heather J. Kirk
Chicken Soup
for the Soul: Finding My Faith - 101 Inspirational Stories about Life, Belief,
and Spiritual Renewal
An inspiring and faith filled story by Heather J. Kirk titled Thin Places is included in the newest Chicken Soup for the Soul edition, which releases on October 16th, 2012.
The Celtic concept of Thin Places is where the membrane between Heaven and earth is so thin that we can see through or experience and know something of Heaven or have direct communication with God there.
Heather's story is about her decision to move to the Dominican Republic, the difficulties she encountered there, and the presence of God and the opening of her eyes and her breath that allowed her to experience life differently.
Heather's transformation takes place in the Jardin Botanico Nacional de Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana. (The National Botanical Gardens of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.) In her story she mentions photos she took and I'd like to share a few here.
My invitation here
today has several aspects to it.
So darn cold in Phoenix, AZ. 27 degrees last night - HUH? I've been here since 1987 and never remember a slew of nights so cold. So I decided to call up a memory to warm me up.
Many people who do not believe that Jesus is our Savior still celebrate Christmas. It's easy to celebrate by exchanging Him for Santa Clause or keeping Jesus a little baby and making it into a great big birthday party.
But Jesus did not come to stay a child, but to teach and to become a sacrifice for us, to be our Savior.
We cannot keep Jesus a baby in our lives, or we will remain babies in our faith. We cannot grow and represent Him and fulfill His purpose for our lives until we accept Him for everything He was and is. A baby born of a virgin, God come to earth as a man, the Creator of the Universe and our individual lives, the angry man who cast the money changers out of the temple, and the forgiver of the sins who dined with tax collectors and prostitutes, and the One who meets us after we die and sends us to the left or to the right. and the One who understands we can never do what He asks of us on our own and therefore does it for us, through His Holy Spirit.
Mary knew. Everything about Jesus' life was pre-planned from the beginnings of the earth. Everything about Jesus was prophesied in the Old Testament.
Did Mary know who this incredible, miraculous baby was? Mary knew.
Do you?
Heather J. Kirk
How do we get ourselves ready for Christmas?
From Isaiah 40:3 "The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God," Reverend Tim Smith suggests we "Make a highway for Him into your lives. Your Deliverer comes." (http://www.waterfromrock.org/2012/12/03/monday-december-3-advent-devotional-2012)
It makes me wonder about the path to my own heart.
Is it an open highway or a narrow winding pathway. Or, I must consider, is it an impossible maze or littered with obstacles and debris?
Heather J. Kirk