Showing posts with label eternal life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eternal life. Show all posts

Monday, December 22, 2014

Second in a Series of “The Duh-Huhs of Christmas”

Second in a Series of “The Duh-Huhs of Christmas”

I have heard that the song “Twelve Days of Christmas” (one of the most annoying songs I have ever heard, rivaled only by “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall”) is secret code to remember basic tenants of Christianity or Catholicism when the practice was outlawed. But, duh huh, doesn’t using the word “Christmas” itself give it away? I mean anyone who sings Christmas songs or celebrates Christmas MUST be a Christian. OOPS! My bad.

As we can see in our present culture, that is not true at all. Jesus has been completely usurped by Santa and “Making a List;” giving to people by people until you go into debt and hope other people spend as much as you did on them or you will hold a grudge, overarches any understanding of receiving the gift of a Savior coming to live life as we do, so we can never say to God – “You have no idea how hard this life is!” At least one person I know from every culture and religion celebrates Christmas in some form. I say this merely to point out that celebrating does not mean believing (including those who call themselves Christians), not as criticism. It would be hard to avoid Christmas altogether in a society consumed with consumerism!  Though I would say people of the Jewish faith follow their own faith most closely at this time of year, maintaining their own beliefs as separate – perhaps made easier by a similar time frame for a holiday celebration. Or who knows, maybe that makes it harder…

So if I am not criticizing per se, why the duh huh? Because as a whole, the American culture is very accepting of so many things and people without criticism (which is good), or hate certain groups of people based solely on skin color or religion or place of birth (which is bad), but we tend to do so without knowledge or understanding (which is risky). Why risky? If any time of year is the right time to ponder the gift of eternal life, it is Christmas. And that gift is not in 12 golden rings, or a pretty tree, or shop ‘til you drop. It is in the birth of one very special baby. If you don’t really understand what that first “Christmas” was all about, isn’t it time you asked?

A great place to start is

Keeping Christ in Christmas – Part 1: Three Things Jesus Came to Reveal About God
Keeping Christ in Christmas – Part 3:  When God Messes Up Your Plans OR God Made You for a Purpose OR God Has a Bigger Plan for Your Life than You Have for Your Life (A bigger purpose than you can ever imagine!)
Keeping Christ in Christmas – Part 4:  

Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk Literature by Heather J. Kirk

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Let #Jesus Grow Up After #Christmas

Many people who do not believe that Jesus is our Savior still celebrate Christmas. It's easy to celebrate by exchanging Him for Santa Clause or keeping Jesus a little baby and making it into a great big birthday party.

But Jesus did not come to stay a child, but to teach and to become a sacrifice for us, to be our Savior.

We cannot keep Jesus a baby in our lives, or we will remain babies in our faith. We cannot grow and represent Him and fulfill His purpose for our lives until we accept Him for everything He was and is. A baby born of a virgin, God come to earth as a man, the Creator of the Universe and our individual lives, the angry man who cast the money changers out of the temple, and the forgiver of the sins who dined with tax collectors and prostitutes, and the One who meets us after we die and sends us to the left or to the right. and the One who understands we can never do what He asks of us on our own and therefore does it for us, through His Holy Spirit.

Mary knew. Everything about Jesus' life was pre-planned from the beginnings of the earth. Everything about Jesus was prophesied in the Old Testament.

Did Mary know who this incredible, miraculous baby was? Mary knew. Do you?

Heather J. Kirk