Setting Up the Son Party in Colonial Zone - Every Sunday Night!
Content and Photos Copyright Heather J. Kirk
We all want to know our lives have purpose, as well as to understand why certain things happen in the world, in our lives. I may have a few answers, but mostly I explore with you, finding insights based on day to day adventures, music, writings, art, health, God - anything that might help us to see our lives in new, amazing ways.
Setting Up the Son Party in Colonial Zone - Every Sunday Night!
April 19, 2012 (Obviously written before Henry Santos concert O7, Scottsdale, Arizona)
Last few days have been so hot in Phoenix/Scottsdale (100 – 105 degrees) that people are hanging out in Home Depot’s floor fan section!
by Heather J. Kirk
A friend who works in a dental office had told her son he needed to brush very careful all around his braces, so he didn't end up with decay under the metal bands. He took the advice very seriously, and paid special attention to keeping his braces extremely clean. When he got his braces off after two painful years, the dentist did not find a single cavity...near the bands. Instead he found several small cavities on the chewing surface. You see, he had paid so much attention to the braces, he forgot about the most obvious part of his teeth - where he chewed his food.
This is such a profound metaphor in our day to day lives. How many of us spend an inordinate amount of time focused on things like our jobs, being there for our friends, even serving in church - none of which are bad things - only to find we have completely neglected the foundations of our lives - family and God. And the result is that our lives begin to decay at the core.
Maybe it's time to brush up on the basics!
Heather J. Kirk
Heather J. Kirk has listened to The Ballroom on Magnolia Street by Sharon Owens
A fun quote on how to catch the man you want - and that no system is perfect!
Quote, getting ready to go out to a dance club and see a man Shirley is attracted to:
That’s what I’m trying to tell you, it’s our destiny.”
Destiny nothing, Shirley, you fancy him. Don’t try and dress it up as something from a higher level. You’ll just have to attract his attention. Men are very visual creatures. Everyone knows that. Show him a bit of shoulder...”
"’s something spiritual... When two people are right for each other, when the chemistry is right, Mother Nature ...will bring them together. It’s something in nature that pairs people off you see, knowing they have complementary qualities that will help them to survive in the chaos of the world...”
You’re cracked Shirley Winters, what about Bonnie and Clyde? Mother Nature slipped up badly the day those two met, didn’t she?”
It’s not a perfect system...”
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Child Behind the Mask: After the Carnival Parade in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, the child has taken off his mask but the protective head covering remains. Photo by Heather J. Kirk. Donations will be made to a charity in the Dominican Republic for any photos in which people are identifiable.
Cool in Frills Number 1: After the Carnival Parade in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, men have removed their masks, looking cool and masculine, in spite of their frilly costumes. Photo by Heather J. Kirk.Donations will be made to a charity in the Dominican Republic for any photos in which people are identifiable.
Helados and Cerveza for Sale: After the Carnival Parade in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and inspite of an impending storm, people hang out in the road to buy popsicles and beer. Photo by Heather J. Kirk.Donations will be made to a charity in the Dominican Republic for any photos in which people are identifiable.
Photos Copyright by Heather J. Kirk
Duck of the Upturned Nose: A highly ornamental, yet typical duck costume in the Carnival Parade in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Curious Carnival Child: After the Carnival Parade in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, a child parade member puts his hat on his head and takes a strolling look at the audience. Photo by Heather J. Kirk. Donations will be made to a charity in the Dominican Republic for any photos in which people are identifiable.
Carnival Personified: Carnival Parade in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Copyright all photos by Heather J. Kirk
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Heather J. Kirk has read Jerusalem Maiden, a novel by Talia Carner
This novel is excellent, but above all a tragedy. It reveals many sides to issues of religion and art, yet never gives an "answer" - what most of us really want. Yet we are meant to grapple with these issues (whether separately or in conjunction to one another) for ourselves and with our God - to find our own answers.
Quote, spoken by Mademoiselle Thibaux, Esther's teacher:
"When God finished creating the world, He had one more task: to hide the Primordial Light. But where could He hide it? If He hid it in the sky, man would eventually soar up and find it. If He hid it in the earth, man would eventually dig deep enough to reach it. Then the answer occurred to God: He would hide the secret light inside every person. That's the one place Man might fail to search." ...
"In Judaism, the Hidden Light is found in the Torah," Esther finally said. ... "It's granted to men only," she added.
"The Primordial Light is hidden especially in girls, except that often they're unaware of it," Mademoiselle Thibaux replied. "Each must find her way the claim it."
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