Wednesday, October 7, 2015

My #3D #art / #photo piece "A Wing and a Prayer" (currently at Art & Custom Frames Gravity Elements LLC) that I tweeted was "Favorited" by #Kollecto - Nice!

"A Wing and a Prayer" copyright Heather J. Kirk

Detail of shadowbox of "A Wing and a Prayer" copyright Heather J. Kirk
Photo taken at #GraniteDells in #Prescott, #Arizona

Printed on metal created a framers dilemma. The framing was done by Art and Custom Frames Gravity Elements in #Scottsdale, #AZ - and it was not only beautiful, but creative, but professional and friendly.

Learn a little more about me and see the other pieces currently at #GravityElements here:

As you can see the #3dimensional pieces in my Photo Assistant Series may have some difficulty being safely shipped outside of Arizona. Still, feel free to contact me about them. You can also see (and purchase) two dimensional versions of the #photography #art pieces in the "Assistent Fotografic - #Photo #Assistant " #series here:

Beyond My Reach Copyright Heather J Kirk

Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk Literature by Heather J. Kirk

#heatherkirk #heatherjkirk #photographicartistry #frame #shadowbox #mannequin #arizona

Who does the abandoning?

“God will not abandon men, my Son. Men abandon God.”

The Prince: Jonathan by Francine Rivers, published by Oasis Audio

Image: "RISE Festival Lanterns 2014 horizontal Sky Only", copyright Heather J. Kirk 
 Photo from RISE Lantern Festival, Jean Dry Lake Bed, Nevada, October 2014
copyright by Heather Kirk and PhotoGraphic Artistry

Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk Literature by Heather J. Kirk

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Internal Civil War of Extreme Hate with Miraculous Forgiveness

While a young man full of hate beyond measure hoped to incite civil war by killing those in a Bible Study who accepted him without question, forgiveness offered during his bond hearing expressed by family members of those killed demonstrated hearts full of a love beyond measure. Most human beings cannot fathom the existence of either of these extremes – but we all carry both inside of us…the ability to both hate and love…

          We convince ourselves we are “good people” because most of us hover near the middle in terms of anger and hatred. But what if we had to compare ourselves daily to the kind of love that forgives such wrongs. Oh, how we fail that test! 

          It is tempting to blame parents, education, culture, drugs or even mental illness, but we all understand at some level such horrific acts demonstrate pure evil on a realm greater than the normal human experience, even a “dysfunctional” one. The true Civil War is one that happens daily inside of our hearts and for each of our souls. The real life scenario playing out in Charleston, SC, only makes sense when we understand that “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness…”

In this realm we must “take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

To read about the “Whole Armor of God” in context and what that armor includes, read here. When I see not just pure evil, but pure love in action in response to it, I am reminded I need to put on that armor daily. What about you? Don’t understand but want to? Ask someone in whom you have seen a touch of that impossible kind of love and forgiveness.

Ephesians 6:10-20:

Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk Literature by Heather J. Kirk

#EmanuelAME #charleston #forgive #love #hate #memorial #sc #southcarolina #armorofgod #ephesians6 #hatecrime #racism

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Michael Land confirmed to sing at Heather Kirk's art opening "Momentum"

Just confirmed, Michael Land will be performing at my Curator's Art Reception. Plan ahead for Friday, May 1st, 5:30 - 7:00 pm at Herberger Theater Center​. My own show may not be up yet, but here is where to see the Art Gallery at Herberger Theater:

Listen here (link below) as he sings with #AmericanIdol 's Danny Gokey​ at ImpactChurch​. Pastor Travis Hearn teases Mike in the beginning, but as you will see when Danny comes out, they are both amazing musicians with rich, beautiful voices - to say nothing of the talented back up band and musicians. Then listen to Danny Gokey's amazing story in an interview - much more than we were able to hear on the 2 minute clips on American Idol

I am honored that Michael Land will be joining me for my art show, entitled "Momentum". Some of my standard series, like "Flowers on Black" and "Forgotten Landscapes," and some new series called "Metalogical" and "Assistent Fotografic". You will see abstract works, 3D wall art and digital art. Some of the new and fun stuff, includes metal, gold leaf and artist manikins YEP! All with photography! Don't miss it! 

A portion of the sales of my art ALWAYS goes to #nonprofits. And sales at Herberger Theater support several amazing arts programs for disadvantaged youth.

Listen to Michael Land sing at Impact Church with American Idol Star Danny Gokey

Heather J. KirkArt by Heather J. Kirk
Literature by Heather J. Kirk

#DannyGokey   #MichaelLandMusic #ImpactChurch #manikin #mannequin #artreception #photography #music #soul #fineart #digitalart #arizona #az #azculture #artcollector,  #americanidol

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Hearing the Unconditional in "All of Me" by John Legend

I knew the chorus to "All of Me" by John legend (You Tube link with lyrics below), and found it truly poetic and beautiful, but didn't really appreciate hearing it in my church. I'm a bit off put by using secular songs, especially secular love songs being used to illustrate God's love. If you try to make the straight comparison throughout an entire songs lyrics of human love, something always falls horribly apart - cheating, lust, possessiveness, hurt, anger, fantasy, loss, unrequited love, once had now gone...something decidedly human I don't want in a God's love for me.

And yet, "love your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections," while starting with a sensual image quickly moves to the psyche and the whole person. It sounds just like unconditional love! "You're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning."

"The Curve of the Hip" copyright Heather J. Kirk

Most people growing up in the United States have heard the verses used most often to refer to God's love (whether we truly understand or accept it or not), John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

The Sun's Son Cross Callage
And we have heard the seemingly impossible high bar set for human love so often heard at weddings, that we think is beautiful, but don't really believe will last past the first few years of marriage, I Corinthians 13:4 - 8: "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

But what comes to mind here in the song "All of Me" is not a love that has to die or work really hard, but a love that just IS, like that found in Romans 5:8: "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Did you catch that beautiful part? "While we were still sinners.." To be loved and accepted just like you are, just like I am, "all your curves and all your edges"! You don't have to figure it all out or change to meet the requirements before being loved, you ARE loved with "all your perfect imperfections"!

For the first time I decided to listen to ALL the words, and decided this is  how I want to love and be loved, and I almost see myself as that girl being sung to, the one who is sometimes confused, "drawing me in and you kicking me out, no kidding, got my head spinning,  I can't pin you down, what's going on in that beautiful mind?"

"Vulnerability" copyright Heather J. Kirk

People ARE inconsistent sometimes, as humans we become doubtful of the others affections, then love with wild abandon, we have good days and bad days, we fear and mistrust, then throw caution to the wind and trust completely, and bring it back round again.

Sequined Photographer copyright by Heather J KirkYet to be told in spite of that, "'Cause all of me, loves all of you!" That's how we want to be loved, how we want to love, both with each other and with God. "Give your all to me, I'll give my all to you. You're my end and my beginning, even when I lose I'm winning."

Listen to "All of Me" by John Legend and read the lyrics here:

Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk
Literature by Heather J. Kirk

#allofme #johnlegend #unconditionallove

Friday, January 30, 2015

Pondering Arizona Skies...

Pondering the Arizona skies (getting gas, otherwise I wouldn't be hanging around in this windblown drizzle), wondering if we will have a sunny Saturday or Sunday!

For those of you who came to the Valley of the Sun to not only see a football game or golf game or classic car show or visit an Arabian horse farm or take an art walk or listen to an incredible array of amazing music or eat to your heart's content or or or - wow! This is a happenin' place! Who needs the sun?

Oh, got distracted there...for those of you who came for the sun, periodically check the news or weather channel and it will keep you quite happy about a few raindrops here compared to what's happening back home!

As for me, I'm still thinking back on sunnier days, and certain they aren't too far around the corner.

Heather J. Kirk is a fine art photographer and graphic designer

Art by Heather J. Kirk
Literature by Heather J. Kirk

Friday, January 2, 2015

Squarely Purple Succulent Crassula Baby Necklace: One of this Weak's Most Popular Images

"Squarely Purple Succulent Crassula Baby Necklace" is perpetually on the list of my most popular images. It is a favorite of mine too, with the many shades of green and the oddly shaped leaves tinged with purple.(Copyright Heather J. Kirk and PhotoGraphic Artistry and Publishing)

Find the image at:

Follow Heather on Facebook at:
Follow PhotoGraphic Artistry and Publishing on Facebook at:

Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk
Literature by Heather J. Kirk

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Third in a Series of “The Duh-Huhs of Christmas”

Third in a Series of “The Duh-Huhs of Christmas”

I have always like the music of U2, but never thought I’d post a quote by Bono. But it fits with something I told a friend today regarding my belief that while some say all Gods are the same and all religions lead to the same place is wrong. (Stay with me here – I dare you…) Perhaps they all started out as the same, but somewhere along the way, people couldn’t believe that love, forgiveness , grace and heaven were completely free. All you had to do was admit you couldn’t be perfec t on your own and accept the gift. So various religions were created by man to figure out ways to EARN God’s love, EARN forgiveness and DESERVE Heaven. That’s why I believe Christianity is NOT the same as all the rest. It’s the only one that offers a solution to the truth…because haven’t you all figured out yet that you just can’t do it on your own. The rules are impossible to follow 100% of the time!

Sorry – I promised a Bono quote, so here we go: “You see, at the center of all religions is the idea of Karma. You know, what you put out comes back to you… And yet, along comes this idea called Grace to upend all that… Grace defies reason and logic. Love interrupts, if you like, the consequences of your actions, which in my case is very good news indeed, because I’ve done a lot of stupid stuff. The point of the death of Christ is that Christ took on the sins of the world, so that what we put out did not come back to us, and that our sinful nature does not reap the obvious death. That’s the point. It should keep us humbled. It’s not our own good works that get us through the gates of heaven.” (Michka Assayas, Bono in Conversation)
I found the quote thanks to the December 21 Advent Devotional from Water from Rock

Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk Literature by Heather J. Kirk

Monday, December 22, 2014

Second in a Series of “The Duh-Huhs of Christmas”

Second in a Series of “The Duh-Huhs of Christmas”

I have heard that the song “Twelve Days of Christmas” (one of the most annoying songs I have ever heard, rivaled only by “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall”) is secret code to remember basic tenants of Christianity or Catholicism when the practice was outlawed. But, duh huh, doesn’t using the word “Christmas” itself give it away? I mean anyone who sings Christmas songs or celebrates Christmas MUST be a Christian. OOPS! My bad.

As we can see in our present culture, that is not true at all. Jesus has been completely usurped by Santa and “Making a List;” giving to people by people until you go into debt and hope other people spend as much as you did on them or you will hold a grudge, overarches any understanding of receiving the gift of a Savior coming to live life as we do, so we can never say to God – “You have no idea how hard this life is!” At least one person I know from every culture and religion celebrates Christmas in some form. I say this merely to point out that celebrating does not mean believing (including those who call themselves Christians), not as criticism. It would be hard to avoid Christmas altogether in a society consumed with consumerism!  Though I would say people of the Jewish faith follow their own faith most closely at this time of year, maintaining their own beliefs as separate – perhaps made easier by a similar time frame for a holiday celebration. Or who knows, maybe that makes it harder…

So if I am not criticizing per se, why the duh huh? Because as a whole, the American culture is very accepting of so many things and people without criticism (which is good), or hate certain groups of people based solely on skin color or religion or place of birth (which is bad), but we tend to do so without knowledge or understanding (which is risky). Why risky? If any time of year is the right time to ponder the gift of eternal life, it is Christmas. And that gift is not in 12 golden rings, or a pretty tree, or shop ‘til you drop. It is in the birth of one very special baby. If you don’t really understand what that first “Christmas” was all about, isn’t it time you asked?

A great place to start is

Keeping Christ in Christmas – Part 1: Three Things Jesus Came to Reveal About God
Keeping Christ in Christmas – Part 3:  When God Messes Up Your Plans OR God Made You for a Purpose OR God Has a Bigger Plan for Your Life than You Have for Your Life (A bigger purpose than you can ever imagine!)
Keeping Christ in Christmas – Part 4:  

Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk Literature by Heather J. Kirk

Sunday, December 21, 2014

First in a Series of “The Duh-Huhs of Christmas”

First in a Series of “The Duh-Huhs of Christmas”

I’ve been trying to figure out why saying “Merry Christmas” is offensive to people in retail stores. (Duh Huh, people are buying CHRISTMAS gifts!) I tried to put the shoe on the other foot…what if someone said to me “Happy Hannakuh!” What would my response be? Probably just “Happy Hannukuh!” back. Or if I was in a wordy mood, “Oh, you celebrate Hannukuh? Have a wonderful celebration!” But that isn’t quite the same as someone who isn’t religious at all. So what would be a good parallel? What if someone said to me “Happy Saturnalia”? Would I be horrified? Offended? Yell at the person? (As happened to a clerk at Nordstroms who got yelled at for saying Merry Christmas, and she has decided to keep saying it anyway… Good for her.)

Possible responses to “Happy Saturnalia!”

1. Oh, is it that time of year  already? My how time flies!”
2. It is a happy day! I can’t wait to get past the winter solstice to longer (and warmer) days!
3. That’s the third time today someone has called me a Pagan. I really need to work on that… (Oh, don’t get all upset, a true Pagan would find that funny.)

What would you do or say?

Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk Literature by Heather J. Kirk

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tell President Obama: No tax dollars supporting children as soldiers

Tell President Obama: No tax dollars supporting children as soldiers

Here is the text of the petition. The source is World Vision , an agency I trust to understand the situation and do the reasearch, becasue they are all over the world in every kindof intervention and prevention.:

No tax dollars supporting children as soldiers

A war zone is no place for a child. I do not want my tax dollars spent on military aid for South Sudan or other countries that use children as soldiers.

President Obama, I urge you to stop U.S. military aid to South Sudan, as directed in the Child Soldier Prevention Act. No child should have to participate in combat in any way. Child soldiers risk injury or death, witness terrible brutalities, may be used as sex slaves or suicide bombers, and suffer extreme emotional and physical abuse. They are deprived of the opportunity for an education and a hopeful future. This is not acceptable.

When signing the 2015 Federal budget this October, do not re-issue a waiver that overrides the Child Soldier Prevention Act for South Sudan or any country that knowingly uses child soldiers. Do not allow U.S. military aid to continue to any country as long as children are involved on the battlefields. Let's be clear to the world that Americans do not condone using children as weapons of war.

I do not wish my taxpayer dollars to be spent on military aid to South Sudan or any country that uses child soldiers.

Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk Literature by Heather J. Kirk

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Delicious Delicata Squash

What is the tipping point of adding butter and brown sugar at which squash goes from being healthy to being decadent? Don't answer that rhetorical question...I know I passed it long ago! But how delicious is my Delicata!! 

Heather J. Kirk
Art by Heather J. Kirk
Literature by Heather J. Kirk

Monday, September 22, 2014

How to keep plants alive in my home...

Although there is a tendency for flowering plants to die under my care, I can't help but keep buying them. Living color is my one true addiction! (Be quiet, that caffeine thing is just a dependence that I cope with by using intentional denial.) Day one:

Day two (not shown) had a few new blooms, day three:
Well it was a good run, wasn't it! That's why I buy multiple plants....
So how do I resolve this perennial problem of mine?
Cut them off and photograph flowers - that way they live forever!
Let's do daisies today...
4Daisies on Stems copyright Heather J. Kirk
Digital Blue Daisy copyright Heather J Kirk

Daisy Crop BW Threshold - copyright Heather J Kirk

See more art for purchase: Flowers on Black and Digital Art

Heather J. Kirk
Art by Heather J. Kirk
Literature by Heather J. Kirk

It does not go away...have the guts to leave, get help or intervene

It's time we all educate ourselves more about domestic violence and INTERVENE, because many women clearly don't know how to help or extricate themselves. This video show it is not an "every once in awhile" thing. I lost count, but 6 or 7 or 8 times in one year...and progressively rse. Once it starts, it can only get worse and end badly if BOTH parties don't get help.

This Woman Took A Photo Of Herself Every Day For A Year. I Was In Tears When I Saw The Last One.

By sharing photos of one woman’s face over the course of a year, this video conveys a powerful message that needs to be shared. “One photo a day in the...

(*Disclaimer – they did use a model and make up, but that makes it no less real. The Croatian campaign was stared after too many domestic violence deaths.)

Heather J. Kirk
Art by Heather J. Kirk
Literature by Heather J. Kirk