Showing posts with label purposeful business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label purposeful business. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The time is now for this "little" contest...

It's a win-win...

If you are at all considering buying from my Heather J Kirk VIDA Voices Clothing Collection, please do so by October 10th.

Daisy Crop Black and White:

For me, there is a "little" contest going on for $1000 advertising package.
For YOU there is a $20 off if you use the Code FavArtist20 at

For the VIDA Clothing MAKERS there are Literacy and Math classes.

For those in the NATIONS of the images for my art, there are programs to prevent and intervene in the human trafficking arenas.

Heather J. Kirk
Art by Heather J. Kirk and
Clothing Collection
Literature by Heather J. Kirk

#winwin #HeatherKirk #heatherjkirk #VIDA #vidavoices #clothingcollection #clothing #fashion #daisy #blackandwhite #graphic #art #literacyprogram