Thursday, October 6, 2011

When it Comes to Money - Lets Strive for a "C" in the School of Life!

We all remember the Bell Curve from our school days, right? A few people get A's, more get B's, the majority get C's (highest part of the curve), it goes lower again with D's and finally (hopefully) the lowest number of people receive F's.

I think we should look at the number of home loans graphed against interest rates pretty much the same way - actual loans as well as availability of loans. Really high interest rates and we have a low number of loans becuase consumers don't want to be tied in to 30 years of unmanageable interest payments. Really low interest rates creates a low number of loans on the other end of the bell curve. Why? Because banks don't want to be tied in to receiving low interest income for 30 years. "In the middle rates" is where the lenders and borrowers come to agreement, hence the most loans being available AND agreed to.

SO...if loans are not being offered by the banks now because interest rates are so low, why on earth do we think that if the Fed lowers rates even more, banks will finally start lending again? As of October 6th, the news says with the new .1% drop you can now get a 3.9% 30 year mortgage. Don't bother to run to your bank and actually try and get that loan though.

I know, I know - those big, bad banks trying to make a buck... but we forget that banks are businesses. They have overhead (rent, electricity) and employees to pay. So if they know that a large portion of their money being tied up for 30 years making only 4% interest will not allow thm to pay their bills, pay thier employees and stay in business...they hold out on mortgages and they find other ways to make money and stay in business. (And keep people employed.)

Forgive me for the elementary econimics lesson, I'm almost done - but htis is important. It's wher eyou come in!

Banks as just like the grocery store, like an architect or a landscaper or an artist. They offer a product or a service that we choose either to buy or not to buy. The business sets a price they can survive and make a profit with, the consumer decides if they think the product or service is worth that price. You either buy or you don't buy. If enough people don't buy, then the business doesn't make money at that price. They will either have to lower their prices, change thier products offering or business plan, or eventuallygo out of business.

When one big bank started charging new fees for using a debit card there was alot of uproar. But did people act on that anger, or just complain. We are such a fatalistic country for a country that is so set on success. "One bank does it and all the rest will follow. There's nothing we can do. So I guess I'll stay with the bank and pay through the nose."

If the price isn't worth the service (of having an account, having a debit card, or using a credit card) then people need to let the banks know. How? Don't use the debit card or credit card (such torture I know). Or go in and talk to the bank's customer service staff. Many banks will waive monthly fees if you have three services with them. Or you can change banks. Yes, you have that choice.

You could also decide that the service you recieve is worth the price. A valid choice for many, but not all. (Before changing banks, see my blog called "Changing Banks is a Process - Take it Slow")

Here's some good news - capitalism is alive and well (and not a dirty word, by the way.) Within three days of the news of the fee for debit card use I saw a community bank advertising how they don't pick your pockets. They are poised and ready to pick up the slack when people start leaving the big banks, searching for banks with better terms.

Don't beleive it when the media tells you banking is an oligarchy - that a few banks make all the decisions. You have choices. Those choices may not have an ATM on every corner or a commercial on every tv station, but you do have choices. Community banks, credit unions, your mattress. Debit cards, credit cards, paying cash. Staying in your current house (even if you are under water - a roof over your head is a good thing), renting, buying a foreclosure (and putting some work into it).

Don't get me wrong I know there is a problem. I also know people who have tried to refinance have felt they either wasted a whole lot of time for very little decrease in payments - or they didn't qualify. But if it's worth it to you, you will do the research to find out what its best for you.

Be a good consumer. "Vote" with your money, so to speak. Whether you are buying a hamburger or a checking account - let the businesses know what it is worth it to you and at what price. Also, be a good citizen. After you've complained to your freinds write your congressman or congresswoman!

Below is a response from a public servant I like. Now let's just hope people and banks can come to agreement on a good old-fashioned bell curve. Strive for a "C" grade people. Agreement! and something we can all live with.

David Schweikert - District 5 Representativeof Arizona
Helping Homeowners Event - Click here for information and Invitation

For more about Schweikert click here. There's a survey that it appears you need to take before gtting to his site. But you can actually skip it by clicking to the side of it. But if your own Representatives want to know what you feel, it's a very good sign. Tell them!

Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer."We..." an e-book at: her art at: Artist Websitesand

Monday, October 3, 2011

Just Enjoy the Show

Sunday October 2nd, 2011 – Tempe and Scottsdale, Arizona

Somewhat paraphrased: Peace is not just the absence or lack of something – no war, no more problems. If peace depends on the absence of trouble, peace is only temporary. We live in a broken world, and new problems will start the very next morning. Instead, peace – Shalom – is both a prayer and the presence of something: freedom and confidence. Freedom from fear and confidence that God is in control. If you choose to believe that everything that happens, every detail of your life, is in God’s plan, has a purpose and can work ultimately for good, then there is peace – in spite of your problems, and even in the midst of war.
- Grace Community Church – Dr. Daryl Delhousaye,
Text: John 14: 25 – 31

It’s not unlike the movie I saw later with friends, Money Ball. We can choose to never be satisfied, never win enough games unless you win the “final game” – the pennant. In that case only one team wins in a single game in an entire season of baseball. Not much fun – we could skip all the hot dogs and apple pie, summer picnics and ice cream after the games. In fact the last inning is all that would be worth watching – worth living. Fast forward through your entire life, dissatisfied every step of the way, and then be “shocked” when you can’t remember how to celebrate; or there is no one around to celebrate with. (It’s a metaphor.)

Or you can, as the final song the main character's daughter sings suggests, “I’ve got to let it go and just enjoy the show. You’re such a loser dad. You’re such a loser dad. Just enjoy the show.*” Yes, yes, another metaphor. Another way to say the more common metaphor, “It’s not whether you win or lose – it’s how you play the game.

Personally, I’d like to both win AND play well along the way, maybe we all would. And we’ve got to admit, playing well increases the likelihood of that happening – though of course it’s not a guarantee. Still, there are principals in sports that apply to life, like “Practice makes perfect.” So why do so many of us try to get by on sloppy or lazy work and act surprised when things turn out poorly?

The main character played by Brad Pitt was often stressed out , angry or frustrated. Yet only once did he drink alcohol as a coping mechanism. I liked that. (Eating though – well, that’s another story.)

I’m not a Brad Pitt fan. (I’m maybe one of five women in the world who don’t find him attractive.) Nor do I feel he is a particularly good actor. I like baseball even less. Still, once the story started to make sense, I really liked the movie and felt Pitt portrayed the wide emotional range of the character quite well. Women who aren’t sports fans – don’t worry that it’s about baseball. All viewers – don’t stress over or even try to make sense of the beginning. It will all come together soon enough.

There are two fantastic, high energy scenes that make the whole movie worthwhile. Both include interplay between the characters Billy Beane (General Manager / GM) and Peter Brand (economics intern and assistant to GM). First entails a long group, (non)discussion in which Billy comes in to the recruiters table and announces who they will pick for the team. It’s long, hilarious and the interplay is perfectly timed. Same goes for the second, in which they do some wheeling and dealing over on the phone with other teams. It seems to all come together, until they realize their one mistake. The resulting scene also is well done, yet melancholic.

Now let me skip back to before the show. While buying tickets, a man purchasing tickets next to me asked if Money Ball was full. When he was told no, I told him I was still going to race him for the best seats. I guess he knew I wasn’t quite as quick as he when he told me, “When you get in there after us, just don’t sit behind us."

At the candy counter, another man excitedly asked me, “Do you know who you were talking to?” (Of course the answer is no – I just talk to whoever, sticking my nose in other people’s business when I feel like it.) He told me ended up being the 1976’s basketball Rookie of the Year. (Sorry, still don’t know who he is…) But because he was "too short” (6’ 9”) for the center position he was not expected to go early in the draft. His college coach, who had recently become a Phoenix Suns coach, decided differently. “Too short” for the position, he did so well because of skill and speed.

This story fits the theme of Money Ball as well – drafting on talent (or statistics) and not 100 other superficial or emotional reasons that we base our decisions on every day, in real life. The funniest example in the movie was not wanting to draft someone because his girlfriend was ugly (with some interesting logic behind this). But when we are done laughing, think about how you have judged someone today – and repent! Then just sit back and enjoy the show.

Later in the evening…
I got a shocker when a friend I’ve known for more than 15 years unwittingly gave a one sentence evaluation of what she believes my persona to be. I had told her three of the women where I live regularly gossip about a new male neighbor. She said, “I didn’t know you had friends there. I just imagined you going from your condo to your car, not talking to anyone, and being your usual introverted self.” I didn’t argue, just said that even in a place where most people go from their condo to their cars without talking, in ten years I have talked to a few people.

I chose not to get hurt or offended . But I was shocked that someone I’d considered a best friend for many, many years didn’t even know me. It can be helpful to know when others see us differently than we see ourselves. Yet, the same person told her husband that I am the person she has the most fun with. Before that, he trusted me to keep an eye on her when we travelled – to keep her out of trouble. Now, he’s not so sure he can trust me! (I assured him he can.) It did give me some context to think it all through, instead of losing my peace about it. (I also checked with another friend who said, “You? You’ll speak to homeless men in the park. I wouldn’t worry about it!” ,

John 14: 27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” NIV Version.

*Song by Lenka titled The Show, with the last lines changed. Buy Lenka.

Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer."We..." an e-book at: her art at: Artist Websitesand

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Colbert's Call to be Christian

My brother posted the following quote from Stephen Colbert on his Facebook page that quickly garnered a bunch of 'Like's.

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it."
- Stephen Colbert

Since Colbert is both a comedian and a political pundit, we have to assume that he is exaggerating something (that we as a nation don't give to the poor - look up the numbers, we do) and making a dig at someone (no surprise that his target is the Republican Party).

But let's just step away from all of that, and instead of choosing to point our fingers at the other guy (the other political party, our leaders, the government,, the rich, the poor, the whoever) and realize he has a profound point to be made when it comes to each and every individual.

A Christian nation must include Christian individuals. Each person reading Colbert's quote should ask themselves, "Am I personally giving? Do I care about the poor?" If the answer is, "I'd like to, but I just can't right now..." then we have forgotten the "unconditional" part of God's love, and our own call to be generous.

In spite of what some televangelists would have you believe, Jesus and the disciples were not rich. And they gave - if not of their money (though some did, like Matthew, the former tax collector), then of their time, talents and love.

Let's forget for a moment to point our fingers at the rich, and imply only they should pay their "fair share", what about you? (And yes, I have to ask myself the same.) Are you giving your "fair share" when it comes to helping the needy?

I know that the word 'command' is a dirty word in a democracy, but if the commandment is to love - what's there not to 'Like'!

Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer."We..." an e-book at: her art at: Artist Websitesand

Friday, May 27, 2011

Grace that Amazes

With my mind on the "May 21st debacle" and a seemingly unending series of tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and so on, I try to turn things around in my mind to make some sort of sense. I found myself saying to someone recently, "After seeing videos of intense tornadoes, I can see how it would appear to looks like the hand of God reaching down from Heaven to blot out the earth with his forefinger - but that would have to be a judgemental God, not the saving God I know."

I have chosen a few videos carefully. The adrenaline rush experienced by those either unwittingly or purposefully recording a tornado sound often too much like excitement. It must be the case, as fear and excitement often are physically experienced in the same way. The first shows the compassion, the second grief - both honoring. The third, gorgeous photography of one of the most menacing "clouds" most have ever seen, or ever hope to see.

Tuesday night at Bible Study, Dr. Rev. Timothy Smith ( made some important points in exploring the concept of grace (in contrast to judgement), and I'd like to share them here.

Psalm 103:8 states, "The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love."

We often clump those two words together, mercy and grace, but they are two ends of and amazing spectrum. Rev. Smith explained, "Mercy is when God withholds deserved judgement or punishment. Grace is when God gives to us good things that we do not deserve. True grace, t he grace of God, not only implies un-merit (we have nothing to earn or deserve His gifts and goodness, but actually implies de-merit - we are completely unworthy of the gifts, to the extent of being at fault, yet He gives us His grace anyway. The greatest example is Jesus saying, while He is being killed, 'Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.'"

What do these natural disasters have to do with God's gifts and grace? First, that it seems unreal that so "few" people actually die (at least in the United States). A six mile swath of tornado destruction seems like it 'should' have done more. Yet more than 100 people did die. What of them? That's why our "own personal May 21st" is important - to be ready, joyfully, instead of fearfully, to meet a God of grace at any moment.

"We sing Amazing Grace, but does God's grace still amaze us?" (Dr. Smith)

Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer."We..." an e-book at: Find her art at: Artist Websitesand

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Our own, personal "May 21st" - except, the real one...

Okay, so the world did not end on May 21st - we all pretty much knew it wouldn't! In fact the Bible says it will come like a theif in the night (not announce on every tv/radio station and on billboards).

What bothered me most about the hype was that the question did not turn to the obvious, especially as it gave Christains the opportunity to make the Rapture real, instead of some big farce about a few fools.

Nobody knows when our own personal "last day" is. Are each of us ready today to meet God joyfully!?!

An entertaining video that addresses the way we live our lives is found at


Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer."We..." an e-book at:
Find her art at: Artist Websitesand

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My business cards

Many of you have noticed how amazing my business cards look and feel over the years. Yes, it has to do with my graphic design, but the quality of the printer means an awful lot as well. That great fiish is "Satin Matte" Check out Overnight Prints for all kinds of printing: Business Cards, Postcards, Flyers, Brochures, Letterhead , Greeting Cards & Envelopes Overnight

Here's a sneak preview of the newest cards I just ordered.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Condo shopping in Punta Cana, DR

A nice little spot on HGTV about condos for sale and the choice a man makes. Punta Can is a lovely, lovely area - I spent almsot a week there with a very good Domnican friend. They have some good shots of that amazingly, perfect color of turquoise blue ocean - a color unique to DR that takes my breath away.

Enjoy! If anyone wants to go, I can be hired as a personal tour guide or a moving consultant! Heather

Playa Blanca Restaurant Bar Area Punta Cana

Table and Sea Play at Blanca
Restaurant in Punta Cana
Beach and Vegetation Playa
Blanca Punta Cana Resort

Two Seaweed Mounds on Punta Cana Resort Beach

Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer."We..." an e-book at: her art at: Artist Websitesand

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gardening at Night Artist Reception

Artist Reception, Thursday, April 21, 2011, 7 to 9 pm

Solo show by Heather J. Kirk, Gardening at Night runs concurrently with Shemer “House of Fun” group show.

The Shemer Art Center & Museum
5005 East Camelback Road
Phoenix, Arizona 85018

April 20 – May 25, 2011: Regular Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 10:00AM - 3:00PM, Thursday Evening 6:30 – 8:30PM

Photographic Artist Heather J. Kirk of Scottsdale surrounds herself with flowers – at least on the walls. In spite of her love for all things botanical, she can’t seem to grow a real garden. In the fertile ground of her mind and assisted by technology, her garden grows, as she photographs flowers, sometimes still attached to the rest of the plant, sometimes cut off, cut apart, rearranged or turned into virtual hybrids; flowers that will not wither, cultivated to perfection in the dark hours of the night. Heather's website is and she can be reached at

The Shemer Art Center & Museum is located in a historic home nestled in Arcadia. It’s dedicated to the promotion, education, and growth of Arizona artists and providing the community with a unique and inviting atmosphere to enjoy and learn about visual art through exhibitions, classes and programs.

Confirm on Facebook at:!/event.php?eid=215287778483307

Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer."We..." an e-book at: her art at: Artist Websitesand

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Night Bloomer on Limited Time Promotion

I'm planning to put a piece of art on limited time promotion every week or two. They will always be canvas wraps and a nice size. This one, titled Night Bloomer, is 20 x 24 for $80, and available through April 16, 2011. Heather Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer."We..." an e-book at: Find her art at: Artist Websitesand

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Misssing Middle Bar (art) Promotion

One of my favorite pieces! Promo from the Colorful Reconstruction series at A discount of $215 for this 30 x 40 piece on canvas with a 1.5" wrap. Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer."We..." an e-book at: her art at: Artist Websitesand

Great deal from Constant Contact

This link will get you a free 60-day trial and if you choose to sign up a $30 credit for both you and me. Constant Contact is an e-mail newsletter program that resolves issues of you being labeled or blocked as aspammer, even though you are not!! Click on the title or copy and use the following URL:


Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer."We..." an e-book at: Find her art at: Artist Websitesand

Friday, March 4, 2011

bonding through sneakers

Last night I watched the movie (DVD) Children from Heaven. In this Iranian film (English subtitles or choice between Farsi and French languages) a brother and sister are forced to share one pair of sneakers. Through their secret and their stuggles a sweet bond grows, though it stays real - with the same frustrations all siblings cause one another. Though I'm not sure why, I was surprised and reminded that chilren are children, the whole world over. We are not all that different in the end.

From our omnipresent view we begin to see that thier struggles may indeed bring great blessings, even when they themselves connot yet see it.

I think, "I wish my life were like this movie" - not in the plot itself, but that I could get prophetic glimpes of how each trial might make me stronger or bring me amazing opportunities I would otherwise not be prepared to face or prevail over. I wish I could see what was happening on the other side of the city, or the other side of the world, "chance" encounters or a "random gift", like shoes being accidentally thrown out, and know for sure that difficulties could create beauty in life and in relationships. I want to learn how to accept those "misunderstandings" with the eyes and the creativity of a child.

(Children of Heaven is available through Netflix)

Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer."We..." an e-book at: her art at: Artist Websitesand

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Going to the Place of Your Birth to Vote. Or to bear a child. Or to accept a Christmas gift…

One of many strange details I discovered about the Dominican Republic was that people had to go their hometown to vote! Yet, voter turnout rates tend to be quite high if we look not at the number of registered voters, but the percentage of all people of voting age, registered or not. Since 1974, the lowest turnout during a Presidential election year was 48.78%, highest was 71.63%, the average being about 63.81%. Compare that to the US Presidential races for the same group and period - lowest was 51.28% and highest 62.08% (2004), (interestingly our 2008 "all time high" year for Obama was 58.23% - close to the average of 58.1%).

But we can vote from home! Can you imagine what voter turnout would be if we had to travel to our birthplace to vote?

In DR, this year voting took place on a Sunday, so the fewest number of people would be working - and therefore able to vote. And, what appears to be common but illegal practice, both of the major parties provided buses from Santo Domingo (where 1/3 of the country's population lives) to various locales. Each party hoped that by offering a free trip home - a three-day vacation so to speak - the individual would vote for them.

Seems like instead of being illegal, a bus ticket should be given away to everyone who wants one, if they make you travel anywhere from 1 - 7 hours to cast a vote. How many of us, even if given free bus fare, would go to our birthplace to vote?

Why this system in the Dominican Republic? Who knows: Tradition. Time with family. Buying votes. Hoping fewer people will vote. An arcane governmental computer system. Attempts to keep votes from being bought (an extremely common practice) because in your hometown they will know if you are the person on your Cedula (personal identification card).

Can you imagine having to go to your birthplace to vote or for a census no matter what, even if you were pregnant? I wonder if this would make February, in spite of Valentine's Day, a month of celibacy.

Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem, City of David, both Joseph's and Mary's birthplace (good thing they could go together), because they had to. We all know the story - but we look at Jesus' birthplace from where we stand today in history—after the fact. We also look BACK on prophecy. Jesus was the Messiah, Emmanuel (God with us). Where was He born? (Bethlehem - House of Bread is the translation. How appropriate for the Bread of Life to be born there.) Is that where the Messiah was supposed to be born? (Yes)

As I read the December 2nd and 4th devotions in The Coming of Peace, written by Dr. Reverend Timothy Smith (my friend and Pastor) of I began to turn this story around, to look at it from the perspective of those living in that time in history.

Before the birth of Jesus, in fact for 1000 years prior, the Jewish people knew of a prophecy, a promise given to King David, that the Messiah would come from his lineage, as told in I Chronicles 17:10+. And from then on, the lineage of David was followed and closely watched, to see who would be born in the City of David, and to discover who would fulfill that promise. The people of Israel were not the only ones to follow the many Judaic prophecies. The wise men studied the stars and found Jesus, Mary and Joseph. They told Herod where they were going, and when they didn’t report back to the efficacy of the story, Herod assumed the King of the Jews had been born and sent soldiers to try to kill that rival King. All boys under the age of two found in Bethlehem were murdered. These prophesies were not taken lightly, as fantasy or stories for the weak-minded needing a spiritual crutch (as some atheists or secular humanists are fond of repeating). Wise men bowed down in homage, kings and soldiers, and later the religious elite and lawyers, did all they could to destroy his ministry and his life.

If everyone was looking forward, could this not have been one of the reasons Rome forced everyone to go to their homelands for a census - to identify and contain the power of this rogue King before he even had a chance to grow up?

But we stand looking back from this side of history, at risk of being bored by the repeated story of a Virgin birth, visiting angels, God living among us, and the choice to accept the Messiah as our personal King.

If we could travel to the place of our birth to find new life, would we bother to "vote" for eternity, or would it be too inconvenient to bother, even if the ticket to life were offered for free.


Statistic Sources - IDEA: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
DR -; US -

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hurricane Tomas - Message to US Citizens in Dominican Republic

Because I registered my presence in the Domnican Republic, I receive "Warden Messages" from the US Consulate - this one regarding Tropical Storm/Hurricane Tomas.

On the current forecast track the center will pass near Jamaica or Haiti tonight. At 2:00 p.m. the storm was 270 miles to the southeast of Port-au-Prince. The National Hurricane Center states that the most significant threat from this tropical cyclone is heavy rainfall which could produce flash flooding and life-threatening mud slides over Haiti and the Dominican Republic during the next couple of days.

Maximum sustained winds are near 50 mph with higher gusts. Some strengthening is forecast during the next 24 to 36 hours and a Hurricane Watch remains in effect for Haiti. Tomas is expected to produce total rain accumulations of 5 to 10 inches over much of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, with possible isolated maximum amounts of 15 inches. These rains could cause life-threatening flash flood and mudslides over mountainous terrain. Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 85 miles from the center of Tomas, mostly toward the east.

ONAMET, The Dominican National Meteorological Office, continues to warn boaters that abnormally large waves, between 6 to 8 feet, may occur along the country’s Atlantic coast, and waves of 8-10 feet along the Caribbean coast. ONAMET advises that small to medium size vessels along the Caribbean coast from Pedernales to Barahona remain in port. From Barahona to Saona Island vessels should exercise caution and stay close to shore, as should vessels on the Atlantic coast. All recreational aquatic activities should be suspended.

The Dominican Emergency Operations Center (COE) has declared a Red Alert for the the provinces of Pedernales, Barahona, Bahoruco, Independencia, San Juan de la Maguana and Elías Piña, and a Yellow Alert for Azua, Dajabón, Santiago Rodríguez, Montecristi, La Vega Espaillat Hermanas Mirabal, Duarte (particularly lower Yuna), Maria Trinidad Sanchez, and San Cristobal (particularly Villa Altagracia and los Cacaos).

A Green Alert is in effect for the provinces of Santo Domingo, the National District, Monte Plata, Sanchez Ramirez, San Jose Ocoa, Monsenor Nouel, Santiago, and Puerto Plata. Red Alerts are declared when a weather phenomenon or other event has a high probability of impacting a specific zone which could result in damage to property, transportation infrastructure, the environment, and people. Yellow (medium probability) and Green alerts (low probability) have been issued for other areas of the country. For details see the COE website at HYPERLINK " a"

U.S. citizens residing and traveling in coastal areas in this region and floodplains near rivers and creeks descending from mountainous areas of western provinces should be alert to flooding and landslides in rural areas. COE has cautioned those who reside in the mostly rural areas close to rivers, streams, and canals to guard against rising waters and possible overflows. Do not attempt to cross rising rivers, canals, and streams. Rainfall and rising waterways in the provinces of La Vega, Espaillat, Duarte and María Trinidad Sánchez could also cause flash flooding and mudslides.

U.S. citizens are advised that U.S. Embassy personnel have been restricted from traveling to the border area for the remainder of the week.

Residents in Santo Domingo and other areas adjacent to the water should remember that storm surge can flood coastal roads quickly. Take appropriate precautions when driving. In the event of local government ordered evacuations, U.S. citizens are advised to follow instructions of civil emergency personnel. Tropical storms can develop into hurricanes very quickly, limiting the time available for a safe evacuation. Travelers should apprise family and friends in the United States of their whereabouts, and keep in close contact with their tour operator, hotel staff, and local officials for evacuation instructions in the event of a weather emergency. Travelers should also protect their travel and identity documents against loss or damage, as the need to replace lost documentation could hamper or delay return to the United States.

The U.S. Embassy advises all U.S. citizens living in and/or visiting the Dominican Republic take certain basic precautions in preparation of a possible hurricane. Supplies and Preparation: If you are living in the Dominican Republic: Ensure you have adequate supplies of food, water, medications and other essential supplies on hand. It is not unusual for stores and shops to close before, during and after a hurricane. Check your generators and make sure you have an adequate supply of fuel; cut down any dead foliage and remove any debris around your home; secure any items that could become dangerous flying objects (patio furniture, umbrellas, barbeques, etc); have the tools and supplies on hand to secure your house (plywood, nails, shutters, etc).

Upper floors in high-rise buildings are at increased risk of windows being blown out, due to the fact that wind speed increases with height.

If you are a tourist, talk to your hotel front desk to learn about the hotel’s emergency plan for a hurricane. Notify your family and friends of your whereabouts and your plans until the storm passes. Be sure to have an adequate supply of necessary prescriptions and medications on hand.

During the Storm:
-Do not go outside, flying debris is lethal;
-Do not watch the storm from beaches as storm surge, rip tides and rogue waves are hazardous.
-Stay inside in an interior room of your residence (bathroom, large closet or pantry). Choose a room with little or no windows that is located away from the exterior wall of the residence;
-Stay off your home/cell phone and radio. Keep all means of communication available for an emergency;
-If a member of your family sustains an injury during the storm, report the injury and degree of severity to the local authorities as soon as possible. U.S. citizens should monitor local radio, the HYPERLINK "" National Weather Service and local media to stay aware of any weather developments in their area.

For official information from the Dominican Government regarding weather conditions, please visit the HYPERLINK "" ONAMET website and the HYPERLINK "" COE website. The U.S. Embassy will update this warden message if new information becomes available.

American citizens should stay current with media coverage of local events and be aware of their surroundings at all times. American citizens traveling or residing overseas are encouraged to register with the appropriate U.S. Embassy or Consulate on the State Department’s travel registration website at HYPERLINK " For any emergencies involving American citizens, please contact the American Citizens Services (ACS) Unit of the U.S. Embassy. The Consular Section of the Embassy is located at the corner of Cesar Nicolas Penson Street and Máximo Gómez Avenue, Santo Domingo, D.R.; telephone 809-731-4294; after hours emergency telephone 809-221-2171; ACS unit fax 809-689-6142; e-mail HYPERLINK "" ; web page HYPERLINK ""

Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer"We...a spirit seeking harmony for a world that's out of sync" - purchase an e-book at: her art at: Fine Art Americaand

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Which is hotter...Dominican Republic or Phoenix?

I was asked in both locations, "Which is hotter?": the Dominican Republic or Phoenix, Arizona? First, the question needs to be asked as if all things were equal, which they are not. In the real world 110 - 118 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer in the desert is WAY cooler than 90 degrees in the DR (does that surprise you?) because you can always go inside where there is air conditioning.

In the Dominican Republic A/C in homes was reserved for the wealthier people and even then typically just in the bedrooms. Windows that open wide and overhead fans provide some cross ventilation that theoretically help, but I sweated inside homes and apartments on a regular basis. When I looked at an apartment without overhead fans, I was told (I think just to get me to rent the place) that Dominicans don't have fans in their homes. While that is true for the poor, I would say it is an exaggeration. Stores and restaurants usually had air conditioning when the electricity was working. Most places I lived in provided only overhead fans. Even the large home I cared for had airconditioning only in the bedroom - and I strove to keep my use of it to a minimum, because electricity was very expensive. The DR was freaking hot. Yet, most Dominicans did not sweat profusely like I did, and wisely carried washclothes to absorb the dampness on thier faces.

That is "real world". But if you go on vacation and stay in a nice hotel or a resort, you can expect A/C and back up generators for electricity all the time, as well as a lovely breeze coming off the ocean. Fantastic!

So to make a true comparison, we'd have to ask if both places were without airconditioning, which is hotter? That's a hard call. My trip back to Arizona in July made it the decision even harder - as it is the hottest time of year for both locations. The answer...both dry and humid heat in these dramatically different locales are experienced such incredibly differentent manners, that there is no comparison - both are pretty much horrible if you are without modern technology. Dry heat wraps itself around your skin like a glove, moist heat drips from every sweat gland in your body into your eyes or plastering hair and clothes to your body. (I must clarify that not even Arizona's July monsoons can count for humid if you've lived long in the DR.)

Normally, Arizona in the fall and spring (desert or mountains) is gorgeous--hands down one of the most gorgeous places on earth. And winter in DR, perfectly lovely, not to be missed. If you don't do it the way I did (low budget, big city),but stay at a resort on the beach, just about any time of year will be a vacation in heaven.

Here's a great example of the heat in Arizona. Okay, just kidding - but very cool what happened here on October 5th, 2010, in spite of damage to cars that were not under cover. Not typical for AZ AT ALL. Don't forget to come back to Blogger after you view the video:

Right now in the area of Dominican Republic and Haiti - Hurricane Tomas. Please pray for the island to be spared from not only a hurricane but flooding as well. My heart cries out with the people of Haiti who do not need another tragedy or anything that can spread illnesses, such as TB or cholera. DR does not "need" it either, as some of those illnesses are starting to crop up in the major cities also due to illegal immigration (don't take that politically, just as a public health issue - illnesses cross borders with people) and floods will again add to the spread of disease.

The Dominican Republic has begun measuires to control the spread of "new" old diseases, and I am impressed with how quickly the government responds to such crises - in education and prevention programs, and in treatment.

Your prayers for changed weather patterns that keep the hurricane out to sea, mercy, health and safety for the island of Hispaniola (Haiti and DR combined).

Thank you, Heather

Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer"We...a spirit seeking harmony for a world that's out of sync" - purchase an e-book at: her art at: Fine Art Americaand