I wish there was a way to know if it was made from cane sugar instead of sugar beets. Pepsi Throwback (my poison of choice) uses both, so I'll never know. Wish I could quit!
Heather J. Kirk
We all want to know our lives have purpose, as well as to understand why certain things happen in the world, in our lives. I may have a few answers, but mostly I explore with you, finding insights based on day to day adventures, music, writings, art, health, God - anything that might help us to see our lives in new, amazing ways.
We have "Truth in Advertising" laws. I suggest
that we create "Truth in Politicizing" laws. If a candidate or PAC
lies about a candidate during a debate or a commercial, they would have to 1)
pay for a commercial on which 2) they say they were wrong (I lied, I misquoted,
I misunderstood...) about 'x', 3) but the truth is that my opponent...
Maybe then we would not have so much garbage going around
and so much spinning in a way that it could hardly be called the truth anymore.
Take it out of their campaign funds!
Heather J. Kirk
Will Mitt Make Big Bird Disappear? Turns out cuts in federal
funding would hardly make a dent. But why do so few listeners and watchers donate?
I don’t have the answer, but let’s take a look at a few of the facts and a real
life example.
Facebook is a great way to share information with friends
- but can also end up passing on false or partial information. Therefore, just
like e-mails, I encourage people to check things out!
We know your vote counts - make sure it's logical too!
An essay of mine titled "Thin Places" about my experience in the Dominican
Republic, and the need to live by faith, has made it (so far) to the final round
for an upcoming anthology titled Chicken Soup for the Soul: Finding
My Faith. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Find new image "Dominican Cigars
Being Made by Hand" in the Poster Prints Gallery or directly here:
Photo copyright by Heather J.
Just tonight I prayed with a friend going through an extended difficult trial, the familiar verse: Romans 8:28 "
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." I try to be careful with this overused quotation, unless I have already explained to someone my own interpretation...that God does not cause bad things to happen just so He can turn around and make them come out 'good". We live in a world that falls (very far) short of perfection and bad things happen. But in spite of those things, God has the ability bring some elusive, and sometimes even amazing, good thing out of it.
Insanity Fit Test: My numbers were not too bad. Fairly close (though less than) what the actors said their first week's numbers were - that is until I got to the upper body, push-uppy kind of things.
I attended a fantastic concert on April 21, 2012, at Ocean7 in Scottsdale, Arizona, by Henry Santos and band (all of them fantastic musicians). As you can tell by the photo, all the men were relegated to the back rows as the women pushed to the front and tried to get a touch of Henry.
I put this off the Fit Test for as long as I possibly could.
1. I scanned the exercise calendar and made it big enough for me to see. Graphic Designers should know this, but because we can blow things up to view on line, they sometimes forget to be realistic to the naked eye. Business Owners and Designers, take note: white text on black background is not the most readable. Neither is 8 point font.
2. I read the eating plan again. Again, not interested, though it clearly would help, but I don't have time to make and eat 5 meals a day. I already am the slowest eater in the world and always last to get up from the table. Can't spend more time there.
3. I put the DVDs in order according to the calendar. (See how adept I am at delaying the inevitable?
Though I suppose the word "just" is an understatement. I bought it 3 (or maybe 4) weeks ago, read the booklet on the meal plan, and became afraid. That's right, I chickened out before I even looked at the DVDs!
I'm afraid of this exercise program. Very afraid.
My brother was impressed I'd bought it thinking I'd done other BeachBody programs to build up to Insanity. Uh oh.... Was I supposed to do that?
But hearing it mentioned was a reminder to me that it is time to stop using a "diet" being too hard (which it really is not) as an excuse to not to start the exercise program.
My brother also said that the people he knows who completed the 60 day Insanity program came out looking fantastic, but very few people stuck with it.
There it is. That's my challenge. I seem to do much better with really hard than with "it's an easy lifestyle change for the rest of your life". Let me get the intense part with Shaunt (Mr. BeachBody himself) down first - THEN I'll decide about the rest of my life!
By writing this here I am holding myself accountable to you - my readers - to DO THIS. Every few days I'll check in with you to let you know how Insane Insanity really is.
Here is my motivatihng picture:
Setting Up the Son Party in Colonial Zone - Every Sunday Night!
April 19, 2012 (Obviously written before Henry Santos concert O7, Scottsdale, Arizona)
Last few days have been so hot in Phoenix/Scottsdale (100 – 105 degrees) that people are hanging out in Home Depot’s floor fan section!
by Heather J. Kirk