“The short cut is always the longest path…The bad news is that in the effort to skip the time involved {in creating real change in your life}they’ve cost themselves more time... Wanting it NOW keeps you from having it. ... People who want it now face many discouragements because of their many false starts…In the end, the ‘want it now’ people end up back where they started over and over again.”
"Beachside Warning Horizontal Black and White with
"Lifeguard Call Box Boomer's Beach La Jolla Cove California,"copyright Heather J. Kirk, Overlooking Boomer's Beach at Point La Jolla, San Diego, CA |
Heather J. Kirk Art by Heather J. Kirk www.heather-kirk.artistwebsites.com Literature by Heather J. Kirk http://www.photographicartistry.citymax.com/Books.html
#shortcut #longestpath #creatingrealchange #wastedtime #want it now #discouragement #falsestarts #overandover #book #quotes #9ThingsYouSimplyMustDo #SucceedinLove #Life #DrHenryCloud #Beachside #Warning #BlackandWhite #photography #photo #Colorizedphoto #red #sign #HeatherJKirk #BoomersBeach #PointLaJolla #SanDiego #CA #beach #California #lifeguardcallbox