Thursday, April 7, 2022

Desertwood DaZe with Kathy Blaze: Episode 60 with Heather J. Kirk

I  loved this Kathy Blaze Jefferson​, George O'Barts​, Lyle Dillie​ and the rest of the Desertwood DaZe​ Team! Thanks for the chance to share and to just "hang out" my friend!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Pop-up Mercado and Xico's Steam Roller Print Workshop - Phoenix Art Detour 2022

I'll have my books and art at the Pop-up Mercado and Xico's Steam Roller Print Workshop-Art Detour Event! 

Xico, 829 N 1st Avenue, Phoenix, AZ March 27, 2022

10:00 AM until 4:00 PM 

Explore relief prints with a fun, modern twist. 

Shop local artisans! 3d and practical art, books, clothing, note cards and home decore!


Be blessed My Purposeful People! Heather 

Wearable Art - Heather J Kirk's VIDA Collection:

Art by Heather J. Kirk

Literature by Heather J. Kirk 

NOTE: Some of the links here are ads that blogger or google places. Some are official affiliate links. Those actually from ME I vouch for with my personal experience . The others... not so much, lol!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Raining Lights and What Must the People Know by Heather J Kirk in the Ea...

Crazy stuff about this project! (Please Like and Share like Crazy - it is a beautiful message from our Heavenly Father)

1. Nobody gets to see or hear me cry...until now. Well, hear... still not see!
2. My cameras is throwing Magnificent balls of light through the heavens on this one. I can't explain!
3. As an editor, me leaving in a few stutters and grammatical errors is almost as hard as me leaving in the tears of vulnerability. But I can't imagine I could do it any better than this free-form stream-of-consciousness first time. I truly believe I felt God's grief at separation from us, His beloved, as I pondered this question ... and I believe it is meant to be experienced by you as well.
4. The Chosen Christmas Special posed the question, "What must the people know?" I start out a bit logical but partway through the Holy Spirit takes over. I believe this is what God wants all of us to know! How MUCH He loves us and longs to closed the distance or separation.
5. Though I was rushing for a December 25th timeline, it turns out this is not even remotely limited to Christmas, or even Easter, or Pentecost. It's about a God who has been in pursuit of us, in love, our entire lives!
6. And possibly the rarest thing of all, other than the video footage that I did take with a pretty wild dash-cam, I've used other people's art, photography and videos. This is rare as I am a photographer and artist myself, but that's what was meant to happen. The images are beyond what I could have provided in their specificity to the message if I'd searched my own bounteous reserves. Also, these are search word enabled much better than mine!
7. I believe God is fully capable of handling our questions and our doubts, and therefore I asked them straight up, and got some answers!
8. This is my gift and the Spirit's gift to you. There's no commercials, no third party, commercial monetization. But that doesn't mean you aren't welcome to also enjoy my poetry books, fashion, or art; or some of the art of the photographic contributors. Take a minute to Like, Subscribe, Explore, and Support. But most importantly, Pray!

Decisions decisions on how to name this post! Other options were:
"Open your heart to close the distance!"  copyright Heather J Kirk
"Eavesdrop on my ride" copyright Heather J Kirk
"It's Raining Lights, Hallelujah!"
"What must the people know?" as per the question asked by The Chosen​"Every good and perfect gift" (James 1:17)


Contributing Artists - Please visit and support (roughly in order of appearance by description):

The Chosen Christmas 2021 FB Header: ;

Tim Tebow with white sky-DSF0419: ;

The following can be found on:

Image of rain and red and green lights: pexels-zhang-kaiyv-2672808

black and white hands apart pexels-matheus-viana-3354675

hand through water: pexels-ashutosh-sonwani-1669605

Hand with leaf with holes pexels-daria-shevtsova-1029844

Christ on cross and crown pexels-alem-sánchez-977657

Triple hand on glass:

cross in glass in light in hand pexels-italo-melo-2356140

jesus praying pre cross pexels-rodolfo-clix-1615776 /

Sands of time on beach pexels-ivan-khmelyuk-6982055

I love you in sand pexels-alleksana-7248767

baby toes in basket pexels-pixabay-161534

Close up blue water drop (altered colo=RED) pexels-bernyce-hollingworth-2702798

Other images: Wikimedia commons or free clipart. Please let me know if I've missed an attribution.

#merrychristmas #happynewyear #easter #pentacost #allyearlong #thegriefofafather #foruntousachildisborn #givingingrief #thecostofseparation #openyourhearttoclosethedistance #itsraininglights #john316 #eyeblackforjesus (football reference ladies!) #eavesdroponmyride #pondering #itshandsfreeipromise #youtubepremier #abetterkindofviral #writingonpurpose #writingforgod #holyspiritfalldown #marcusrogers #lancewallnau #timtebow #godcanhandleyourquestions #takeyourdoubtstohisthorne #prayingonpurpose #heatherkirk #heatherjkirk #art #photography  #photographicartistry   #Impactwomenaz #impactchurch#thekingshouse #kingdomwarriors

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Catholic Priests React to "The Chosen"

Two Friars (yes, really!) review the Chosen. Interesting insights... and kinda funny. 🙂
They point out how with Jesus things are often "upside down."

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Was Jesus a Catholic? OF COURSE NOT! Jesus was PRE-Denominational (my word)!

Listen to this beautiful life testimony of the man who has played the Christ on film  repeatedly. He speaks on the gifts of Humility and Mercy; and shares the stages of his faith:
1. Prayer
2. Expectant Faith
3. Surrender (and Relief/Rest) 
In a culture that apparently likes to complain, compare and divide, the newest "controversy" is whether the new multi-season series about Jesus called "The Chosen" is 'too Catholic' or 'not Catholic enough,' or some such silliness. 
My guess is that in the spiritual realm, the Big "S" - and father of lies - is mad as heck at this beautiful (hi)story-telling that is reaching millions and breaking barriers left and right. 
YET, was Jesus a Catholic? OF COURSE NOT - Jesus was PRE-Denominational (my word)! 
The show actually is the gospel - but a lot of extrapolated and created character development and dialog, and some compressing of multiple situations into connected stories (actually histories). Obviously much of the day to day dialogue and interactions between disciples was not written in the Bible, nor a full fleshing out of the disciples personalities, so The Chosen in that sense is not "true" per se. But as long as it does not contradict Scripture, neither is it 'false'. It is amazing, compelling, and sometimes heart-aching, soul-sustaining, storytelling. 
But the actor, Jonathan Roumie, who plays the Messiah in "The Chosen," IS Catholic. He calls himself a born-again Catholic.Roumie grew up Greek Orthodox (in a mixed Irish and Egyptian family), and went to Catholic school, where he joined the Catholic Church through their catechism. (He says herein that the liturgy and sacraments are similar). 
The testimony is beautuful, and actually brought tears to my eyes several times. POWERFUL! It is FASCINATING how a childhood passion (literally) and act on Jonathan's part became a prophetic act!
You can watch 'The Chosen' each release date on Youtube for 24 hours, then on the VidAngel App thereafter. It is free, with a pass it on donation option and related products as the soul funding source. That means it is the HUGEST EVER crowd funded project in history! Learn more on FB at The Chosen, on Youtube at ; get the App 'The Chosen' on Google Play or Apple.
Want to read the original story for yourself? Try the Gospel of John as a starting point!
There are LOTS of translations, so may I suggest either the King James Version or NIV - both of which I grew up with. Here is an (affiliate) link to a Holy Bible that is most read and worn, pages falling out, in my household. 

#TheChosen #VidAngel #Jesus
#Catholic #Christian #thereisnodivide
#weareallthechurch #divinemercy
#themessiah #onplayingchrist
#surrender #thegospel
#Apple #TheJesusApp
#nocontroversyhere #NIVBible

And a piece of art by Heather J. Kirk that fits the theme! :)
Available as art on the wall, notebook, note card, pillow, shower curtain, t-shirt, ummm... you name it!

Be blessed My Purposeful People! Heather 

Wearable Art - Heather J Kirk's VIDA Collection: and 

Art by Heather J. Kirk and 

 Literature by Heather J. Kirk


Some of the links here are ads that blogger or google places. Some are official affiliate links. 

Those actually from ME, I vouch for with my personal experience . The others... not so much, lol!

Friday, June 18, 2021

Leanin' (Psalm 86) - Michael Land - Official Music Video

Soulful, funky, true!
Subscribe to Michael Land's music on youtube.

Check out Michael Land's official website.


Love the Arizona landscape?
Check out a Get Your Guide* tour such as:


Get your passion for prayer back. "Fervent"* is based on the movie "War Room."

*affiliate link (but personally enjoyed).

Thursday, June 17, 2021

The Chosen Season 2 trailer (60 sec)

They are going DEEP! Episodes 1-5 already released on Vid Angel App.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

True story! of an extra in The Chosen’s Sermon on the Mount scene

This clip speaks to speaking up...doing and saying what Jesus places on your heart.
Trust the reason -- even when you don't (yet) understand it! Sometimes we are afraid of offending or not wanting to disrespect a belief or a culture. But if God places something on your heart, it is His job, not ours, to prepare the soil and the timing. Trust!


"Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say.” Exodus 4:12 

As each episode is released, it is on Youtube for only 24 hours. But it is always free in the The Chosen VidAngel App (which you can cast to your tv). The show is crowdfunded. Feel free to just watch and enjoy ... or to donate and pay it forward: for others to watch and/or to fund future episodes and seasons! 


Affiliate link...for your benefit!

Amid the obvious viral epidemic has been one more insidious and hidden...the horrific sadness of teen suicide. While we ought not take blame or responsibility for someone else's actions when we are unaware, parents can take precautions to get the digital social cues. A monthly device monitoring subscription / program to help parents identify inappropriate browsing, connections or conversations, when kids are being bullied, and suicidal thoughts expressed on social media for kids and teens.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Listen to Guest Heather J Kirk on TALK the WALK Radio Show with Host Cristina Eve on Elation Radio

Listen on September 30th, 8 PM MST (Phoenix) / 10 PM CST (Chicago). On-line at or by phone at 646-564-9842.
There will even be a time for questions. Get them ready! Listen to TALK the WALK Radio Show with Host Cristina Eve on Elation Radio. Our guest on Monday, September 30th will be Heather J. Kirk, Author, Graphic Designer and Leader of Writing on Purpose / Writing for God Bible Study. 


They will discuss Heather’s book of poetry We…a spirit seeking harmony for a world that’s out of sync and the changes in her life that brought the book about. Learn about the Bible Study and Writing Group, and what it took to get her to do what she knew God was calling her to do.

Finally, you are invited to meet Heather and her group at an exciting Literary Event. Full of books, activities, raffles, classes, contests and presentations, 50 authors and writing groups will gather at Meet Your Literary Community at presented by ASU’s Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing. The event takes place at Phoenix Public Market, Saturday, October 5th, 8 am – 12 pm, 721 N. Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85004. Open to the Public and Free!

Learn more about Heather at
Learn about this and other literary events and classes at

Listen on September 30th, 8 PM MST (Phoenix) / 10 PM CST (Chicago). On-line at or by phone at 646-564-9842.
There will even be a time for questions. Get them ready!


Be blessed My Purposeful People! Heather
Wearable Art - Heather J Kirk's VIDA Collection:
Art by Heather J. Kirk 
 Literature by Heather J. Kirk 

Some of the links here are ads that blogger or google places. Some are official affiliate links.
Those actually from ME I vouch for with my personal experience . The others... not so much, lol!

#radio, #blogtalkradio, #elationradio, #iheartradio, #heatherjkirk, #heatherkirk, #christinaeve, #meetyourliterarycommunity, #asu, #arizonastateuniversity, #writingworkshop, #writingcenter, #bookfestival, #booksale, #virginiapiper, #mfa, #phoenixpublicmarket, #elationmagazine

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thinking of writing a book "Save Money on Just About Everything"

Thinking of writing a book "Save Money on Just About Everything"

Let's start with Ibotta App

In the first

Ibotta App. Get money back with digital coupons for grocery and toiletry item at almost any store. Plus great incentives! 

You can “stack” discounts when you are a grocery or drug store member with their coupons for same items.

NEW products, especially alternative, health and vegan have pretty large rebates and you can often use it multiple times on same product!

It's great if you want to try new products but the price is a little high for "testing". this helps!!

You're busy and you don't have time to download a separate app for every store where you shop. Instead, use Ibotta to earn cash offers on the best brands, products, stores, restaurants, movies, and more.

Sign up on line then go to your phone and Download the App. (I prefer to enter bank infor from the computer as it seems more secure.)

My Referral Link:
Or if you go straight to your phone’s App store, please use the Referral Code: idcjdbg

 IN ADDITION (not in place of) you may consider:

Checkout 51 App also provides digital coupons and rebates. A little hard to get to the $20 cash out than with Ibotta, but can be supplementary. This App also has new products and quite a few natural and homeopathic remedies, snacks and fruit cups.

Here is a link to the App with my referral link:

Get saving and earning!!


Be blessed My Purposeful People! Heather
Wearable Art - Heather J Kirk's VIDA Collection: and
Art by Heather J. Kirk and
Literature by Heather J. Kirk

Some of the links here are ads that blogger or google places. Some are official affiliate links.
Those actually from ME I vouch for with my personal experience . The others... not so much, lol!


A Color My Credit course code to give you $50 off. The 2nd line (just under the price when you sign up) where it asks for a code or a password put KIRK. It's on-line, your pace, doesn’t expire, 1 hour consultation included + resources included. (normally $297)

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