Showing posts with label window. Show all posts
Showing posts with label window. Show all posts

Saturday, April 10, 2010

More outside my "window"

More outside my "window"...discoveries every day.
1) Beyond my little house with the patio garden, is a tower that captures my attention.

It's simplistic I suppose. A white building, with some nice curves, a patio fronting every unit, and gorgeous blue lights. I'll take the Penthouse.

2) Another not so great thing about "windows" without glass...Karaoke Night on Friday Night just down the street. On their first night, very few people had the guts to sing, so it was the pro's that sang, and it was pretty nice. But now...well, people are not shy anymore and they sing really, really badly. I guess that's pretty true most any country in the world...

Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer
"We...a spirit seeking harmony for a world that's out of sync" - purchase an e-book at:

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why "windows" was in quotes...

A friend recently reminded me that I had promised to explain why I put "window" in quotes, when I told you that I saw my dream house from my own "window.” First let me say that I did a lot of research before looking for a place to live, and through the experience of others I made a list of questions to ask. I have to say it was a very helpful list - otherwise I would have had many more surprises. One thing that was not on my list was "windows" in the "windows.” I guess by that I mean "glass.” But what do you call a window without glass? Is it still a window? Let me clarify with a picture...

That's it - metal blinds that go up and down - two sets per "window,” one top and one bottom. (While we're at it - forget all you ever knew about lefty loosy and righty tighty. Two and a half months in this room, and even though I made up a new rhyme to help me remember how to open and close my "windows," I rarely remember "left to lower, right to raise.”)

Here are the negative aspects of window blinds without "windows" (I mean glass).

1. Noise - you hear absolutely everything that happens on the street, even if you are on the fifth floor.
2. Dust - it gets everywhere! Even when the blinds and curtains were closed for a week (while I went to the beach on vacation) I came back to very dirty dust everywhere.
3. Pollution - it all gets in as well.

Here are the (sort of) positive aspects of "windows" without glass.

1. You always have a little breeze. And if you want you can have a LOT of breeze.
2. Although they don't keep out dust or pollution very well, the blinds are actually pretty good at keeping out light, as I still sleep until noon (and still go to bed somewhere between 1 and 4 am.)
3. If I were to get caught in a hurricane, there would be no glass that might break and blow into the room.

Heather J. Kirk, Photographer, Author, Graphic Designer
Find her art at: Fine Art and