Okay, it's time to do what I've promised for the last few weeks. Calendar Memoirs is way to share with you the things I've enjoyed - so you can enjoy them also in the future!
Wednesday October 5th, 2011: As a professional art installer, I hang Michel Sarda's photography exhibit. He was Herberger Gallery's curator last year, and this is his retrospective show, Spirit of Arizona. The show goes through October 30th.
Friday October 7th, 2011: I attend Michel Sarda's art opening and book signing event at Herberger with Junjie Verzosa, we go over to Artlink's A.E. England Gallery across from ASU's Downtown Campus in Phoenix's Heritage Square to see Stories of Us: Celebrating the 2 Year Anniversary of the Artlink Galleries. Take the light rail or try to park in front, after making three dangerous left turns around the block and across the rails. Address: 424 N. Central at Taylor.
It's a pretty building right on Central - glasss all around to see the art from the outside as well. Public bathrooms due to the park (Civic Space). I like that part! Live music was playing and I took pretty pictures of the infamous public art flying thing (saguaro bloom / UFO / basketball hoop cyclone.) Her Secret is Patience is the work of Janet Echelman, Central Station, Phoenix.

Junjie's piece is my favorte in the
Stories of Us show (curated by cory Weeks). I like it not just because Junjie is a friend, but he takes two classic pieces and makes them his own - a child's portrait (from the eyes up) looking at
Bouguereau's Madonna of the Lilies and another Madonna with Child.

William-Adolphe Bouguereau became my favorite artist after learning of him while doing the interior layout and cover design for Mantoshe Singh Devji's book
The Virgin in Art.
Also on October 7th, I e-file my taxes and find that someone else has filed before me using my social security number. I spend the weekend figuring out how to deal with this...
Sunday, October 9th: I watch a movie on TV (yes, a rare movie on non-cable):
The Miracle at St. Anna - a 40 Acres and a Mule production. A great movie with signature Spike Lee cinematography and editing. Since Buffalo Soldiers (all black batallions) have been written out of WWII history by not incuding them in WWII movies, this story re-writes history (honestly) by putting them back in the war. Yet it is fiction - and ironically this fiction has maddened Italians, because they feel their history has now been rewritten.
I recall seeing a pre-screening of Spike Lee's first film
"She's Gotta Have It" when I was at
Indiana University. I remember how clear it was from Lee's first movie that he would change film history. I can recall specific scenes, burned intmy memory. It was the first time I saw film as visual art and not just story. How cool it would to meet him - but what could one say that was not cliche or that he had heard a million times before.
Monday, October 10th, 2011: I try to call the FTC (along with about 10 other government agencies) and get amd that they're offices are closed at 3:55 pm. "Nice hours," I think. I later realize my calendar with the teeny-tiny print has made me miss another holiday - this time Columbus Day. But my chiropractor's office is thankfully open - the amazing
Dr. Edward Judge. After 3 days of migraines (both euphamistically and literally) the releif is welcomed.
Thursday, October 13th, 2011: I see the movie Ides of March with my friend
Cinda, a scriptwriter, then go to eat at Macaroni Grill and uber-analyze a movie that neither one of us found satisfying. Yet it did bring up many themes to dsicuss.
I then ask about her own screen play. I ask how her trip to NY went and if she was able to meet the producer she had hoped to. "No, Spike Lee didn't make it to the party, but my friend will get it to him."
This kind of thing happens to me all the time - weird conincidences. Almost prophetic thoughts. I wish I could use it for profit somehow...but it will probably have to just remain entertaining.
Friday, October 14th, 2011: Linda Ingraham and I rush to
Sophie's French Bistro to make it in time for Happy Hour - it ends at 6 pm. Crepes, quiche and pomme frittes (french fries - in French). I give in and try the Peachtini.
We then head to Herberger Theater to see Center Dance Ensemble -
There is a Time to Dance. The first half includes performance by various dance troupes. A solo called "Trapped" choreographed and danced by Martha Hernandez is fantastic - performed flawlessy and humorously. It is based on Corintians 12: 20-22 "...there are many parts, but one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, 'I don't need you'..." But the dancer endeavors enthusiastically!
Sadly 1/3 of the audience leaves at intermission as their young freinds have already danced and will not perform in the second half. The second half is the main attraction. "The Attic" is a profound, deep, sad and moving dance interpretation of
The Diary of Ann Frank. It makes me want to read it - knowing that like when the dancers drop to the floor, and the diary just ends without another entry - many have died and we must remember how it happened. Then I look around the theater to recall - all the youth have left.
You have until Sunday to see it!
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