"Flu Shot Being Forced on Health Workers"
See article at : http://healthfreedoms.org/2012/10/19/flu-shot-being-forced-on-health-workers/
Heather J. Kirk
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
#Healthcare Workers in #Colorado dont want #Mandatory #Vaccines
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
My thoughts on #Arizona 's #Propositions. Remember #Constitutional #Amendments make it really hard to get rid of bad ideas!
Source: http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/data/constitution/amendment10/01.html#2
Prop 121: No – While two party system may not be perfect, it at least provides people of both parties a chance in unbalanced districts for both parties to be represented. This proposition pretty much eliminates this possibility. It seems to actually reduce, instead of improve, the democratic process and opportunity for a minority group (of any kind) to make it onto the final ballot. It is actually happening right now in California and people are not very happy about it.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Fans' love for #PrinceRoyce #Unconditional / #Incondicional
Fantastic concert last night by Prince Royce at Arizona State University. Though I have to confess I did have to plug my ears a few times...the eruption of thousands of girls shreiking at his entrance was possibly the loudest noise I've ever heard. (Not even Romeo's female fans were louder, but my guess is that Prince Royce's female fans are even younger.)
Video of my favorite song by Prince Royce: Incondicional
Heather J. Kirk
Sunday, October 21, 2012
#Sugar Beets are #GMO too? I had no idea and I think I've been had...
I wish there was a way to know if it was made from cane sugar instead of sugar beets. Pepsi Throwback (my poison of choice) uses both, so I'll never know. Wish I could quit!
Heather J. Kirk
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
We have "Truth in Advertising" laws. I suggest that we create "#Truth in #Politics" laws.
We have "Truth in Advertising" laws. I suggest
that we create "Truth in Politicizing" laws. If a candidate or PAC
lies about a candidate during a debate or a commercial, they would have to 1)
pay for a commercial on which 2) they say they were wrong (I lied, I misquoted,
I misunderstood...) about 'x', 3) but the truth is that my opponent...
Maybe then we would not have so much garbage going around
and so much spinning in a way that it could hardly be called the truth anymore.
Take it out of their campaign funds!
Heather J. Kirk
Saturday, October 6, 2012
#MittRomney Can't Put #PBS or #BigBird Out of Business - Even as President...Unless Listeners Stop Giving
Will Mitt Make Big Bird Disappear? Turns out cuts in federal
funding would hardly make a dent. But why do so few listeners and watchers donate?
I don’t have the answer, but let’s take a look at a few of the facts and a real
life example.
Heather J. Kirk
Monday, October 1, 2012
The image says "#New York Times" at the top and has a quote that discusses "#Veterans' Jobs Bill Block in the Senate" on #Facebook
Facebook is a great way to share information with friends
- but can also end up passing on false or partial information. Therefore, just
like e-mails, I encourage people to check things out!
The image says "New York Times" at the top and
has a quote that discusses "Veterans' Jobs Bill Block in the Senate".
Since at first blush, it does not seem to be a good move politically for Senate
members, I got curious and decided to find and read the article it came from –
and why they would not pass a bill to help Veterans.
It appears that things like Snopes, Fact Check or Truth
Team are not as unbiased as they used to be. So it's good to go directly to
articles quoted, bills discussed or full context of quotes.
I use this example because it is very current and I have
seen it many times and decided to do a little research..
#1: It appears to be from a blogger on NYT on-line site.
Though not just a random person but a regular NYT blogger, this TruthTeam quote
comes from a combination opinion piece /news piece blog. It’s important to
understand that blogs and editorials are created for opinions to be expressed,
based on the news and current events, but not necessarily unbiased news
#2: It’s always good to read things in context, and get
opposing views. So here is a link to the article.
The overall tone is not a whole lot different from the
quote, but according to the article, Republicans voted against it specifically
because the $1 billion bill was not funded. There does appear to be an expected
source of funding, but possibly not attached to this bill. Also saw that the $1
billion would be to create up to 20,000 jobs. That's a minimum of $50,000 to
create each job - not even the actual income veterans would receive.
My goal: To
encourage people to not just pass along little snippets that sound good.
Instead to get involved in the political process by educating and informing
themselves. This is just one example of how I chose to do that.
Heather J. Kirk