Monday, September 30, 2019

Listen to Guest Heather J Kirk on TALK the WALK Radio Show with Host Cristina Eve on Elation Radio

Listen on September 30th, 8 PM MST (Phoenix) / 10 PM CST (Chicago). On-line at or by phone at 646-564-9842.
There will even be a time for questions. Get them ready! Listen to TALK the WALK Radio Show with Host Cristina Eve on Elation Radio. Our guest on Monday, September 30th will be Heather J. Kirk, Author, Graphic Designer and Leader of Writing on Purpose / Writing for God Bible Study. 


They will discuss Heather’s book of poetry We…a spirit seeking harmony for a world that’s out of sync and the changes in her life that brought the book about. Learn about the Bible Study and Writing Group, and what it took to get her to do what she knew God was calling her to do.

Finally, you are invited to meet Heather and her group at an exciting Literary Event. Full of books, activities, raffles, classes, contests and presentations, 50 authors and writing groups will gather at Meet Your Literary Community at presented by ASU’s Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing. The event takes place at Phoenix Public Market, Saturday, October 5th, 8 am – 12 pm, 721 N. Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85004. Open to the Public and Free!

Learn more about Heather at
Learn about this and other literary events and classes at

Listen on September 30th, 8 PM MST (Phoenix) / 10 PM CST (Chicago). On-line at or by phone at 646-564-9842.
There will even be a time for questions. Get them ready!


Be blessed My Purposeful People! Heather
Wearable Art - Heather J Kirk's VIDA Collection:
Art by Heather J. Kirk 
 Literature by Heather J. Kirk 

Some of the links here are ads that blogger or google places. Some are official affiliate links.
Those actually from ME I vouch for with my personal experience . The others... not so much, lol!

#radio, #blogtalkradio, #elationradio, #iheartradio, #heatherjkirk, #heatherkirk, #christinaeve, #meetyourliterarycommunity, #asu, #arizonastateuniversity, #writingworkshop, #writingcenter, #bookfestival, #booksale, #virginiapiper, #mfa, #phoenixpublicmarket, #elationmagazine

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Thinking of writing a book "Save Money on Just About Everything"

Thinking of writing a book "Save Money on Just About Everything"

Let's start with Ibotta App

In the first

Ibotta App. Get money back with digital coupons for grocery and toiletry item at almost any store. Plus great incentives! 

You can “stack” discounts when you are a grocery or drug store member with their coupons for same items.

NEW products, especially alternative, health and vegan have pretty large rebates and you can often use it multiple times on same product!

It's great if you want to try new products but the price is a little high for "testing". this helps!!

You're busy and you don't have time to download a separate app for every store where you shop. Instead, use Ibotta to earn cash offers on the best brands, products, stores, restaurants, movies, and more.

Sign up on line then go to your phone and Download the App. (I prefer to enter bank infor from the computer as it seems more secure.)

My Referral Link:
Or if you go straight to your phone’s App store, please use the Referral Code: idcjdbg

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Checkout 51 App also provides digital coupons and rebates. A little hard to get to the $20 cash out than with Ibotta, but can be supplementary. This App also has new products and quite a few natural and homeopathic remedies, snacks and fruit cups.

Here is a link to the App with my referral link:

Get saving and earning!!


Be blessed My Purposeful People! Heather
Wearable Art - Heather J Kirk's VIDA Collection: and
Art by Heather J. Kirk and
Literature by Heather J. Kirk

Some of the links here are ads that blogger or google places. Some are official affiliate links.
Those actually from ME I vouch for with my personal experience . The others... not so much, lol!


A Color My Credit course code to give you $50 off. The 2nd line (just under the price when you sign up) where it asks for a code or a password put KIRK. It's on-line, your pace, doesn’t expire, 1 hour consultation included + resources included. (normally $297)

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